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Asfaco shows muscle in its last General Assembly and already represents 15% of the GDP of the province of Córdoba

This Thursday the forty-seventh General Assembly of the Multisectoral Business Association (Asfaco) took place, and its president Miguel Ángel Tamarit, has highlighted the tremendous growth that the association has experienced. «Just a year ago there was talk of a business representation that exceeded 35 associated companies and twelve months later this figure has increased by more than 50%, placing us at more than fifty-five companies that trust Asfaco»In this regard, he made an emotional recognition to three historical entities in the association such as Enresa, Ecmasa and Hytachi in technological production.

Furthermore, Tamarit has highlighted that with the addition of the new associates, Asfaco is positioned as a group that represents a number of companies that account for more than 15% of the provincial GDPwith employment generated exceeding 6,000 professionals directly and indirectly thanks to the work and effort of all its companies.

During the celebration of this General Assembly, which has had the collaboration of COVAP, Montilla Moriles and Ermita de la Candelaria, the president of Asfaco has announced the creation of seven Working Commissions of different kinds depending on their scope and activity, “as a way of generating a space that allows the exponential transformation of our companies and the economy of Córdoba and its province, as well as offering greater participation and valuing the experience and qualification of the different members of each work group.

The seven commissions

In this way, the Working Commissions are divided into “Energy, Industry and Internationalization Commission” under the address of Tamarit itselfthe “Commission on Agroindustry, Water, Circular Economy and Sustainability” under the direction of Marisa Cano of Canoliva, the «Commission for Digitalization, Administrative Simplification and R + D + i under the direction of Emilio Olmo of GrayHats, the “Commission for Infrastructure and Sustainable Urban Development” under the direction of Jose Luis Ramos of Ramos Arquitectos, the «Defense and Logistics Commission» under the direction of José Antonio Plasencia of EPGCOR, the “Family Business, Entrepreneurship, Business Financing and People Commission” under the direction of Juan Carrasco of Andrew Corporate and the “Strategic Development, Business Challenge and Corporate Governance Commission” under the direction of Leonidas Cabrera from Botton Consultants.

Finally, in this block he has highlighted the important activity that Asfaco has developed in the last twelve months organizing more than 25 own activities and being an active participant in more than 120 events to bring the voice of the entrepreneur to different public and private platforms.

At another point in his speech, the business leader urged the administrations to “It is necessary for the ICO to focus its efforts with recovery funds In the search for financing that allows our companies to obtain more financial resources that, by the way, do not arrive as they should due to the high costs and greater demands, here the support of the ICO is necessary, and the involvement of the Trade Agency with complementary instruments ». In addition, he has expressed the need to develop “Industrial Public Spaces” in the that companies can be established in their early stages or implement mixed formats by co-financing the development of private projects, limiting the sale price of the land. To which he added that it is necessary to “reduce the tax burden on companies and reward them with Social Security bonuses to those companies that continuously maintain five employees at least in twelve accumulated months, without distinction, and so on incrementally.

Authorities and members of Asfaco, before the Assembly

Better training and access to housing

Regarding the educational level, it has highlighted the need to have better prepared professionalstaking into account that the latest study of the labor market from 2023 indicates that more than 65% of unemployed people have a level lower than a high school diploma or equivalent and that this situation is the responsibility of both companies and administrations in terms of training resources and programs adapted to the world of work.

Finally, he did not want to miss the opportunity to cover the difficult situation of access to housingfor which reason he has requested that “it is also necessary to help our young people in social policies, as is the case of the difficulty in accessing the purchase of housing. In my opinion, they should take note of a measure that the Generalitat Valenciana took yesterdayto support and guarantee up to 95% of the purchase of the first home, for people between 18 and 45 years old, an initiative that will undoubtedly help many young people and even families.

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