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Oil workers launched a total strike in repudiation of the Bases law that is being discussed in the House of Representatives

He oil guild summoned a total unemployment for an indefinite period in plants across the country this Thursday, in protest against the Bases law and the fiscal package.

The head of the union, Daniel Yofraassured: “We cannot let a labor reform that will cause us many disadvantages pass.”

In this sense, both large multinationals and establishments of the national industry are paralyzed by the forceful measure in rejection of the treatment of the Bases Law and the Fiscal Package that includes reapplying the Income Tax and a Labor Reform.

The Federation of Workers of the Oilseed Industrial Complex, Cotton Ginners and Related Workers launched a nationwide strike: “Our union organization reaffirms the deep rejection against the Omnibus Law called ‘Bases’ by the national government, which includes, among other negative measures, a Reform regressive labor and the auction of public assets with privatizations and delivery of common resources of the Argentine people,” the union denounced.

He also complained that the fiscal package includes “enormous benefits for the richest and the reinstatement of the Salary tax”and denounced that the Income Tax will reach almost all oil producers and cotton ginners: “We cannot miss a labor reform that is going to bring us a lot of harm,” said Yofra.

“This project returns from the Senate to the Chamber of Deputies with an even more aggressive character against the working class, seeking to limit the constitutional right to Strike and enable dismissals and persecution against those who exercise it“, they warned from the union.

Bases Law and fiscal package: what are the modifications that will be debated in Deputies

The Chamber of Deputies will debate this Thursday the Law Bases and the tax package, both projects presented by the President Javier Milei and his Cabinet and initially approved by the Senate. In this framework, what are the modifications that the legislators of the Lower House will discuss?

Since 10 a.m., legislators have been in parliamentary session and are preparing to debate the key points of the government initiative.

The main changes in the fiscal package and the Bases law that will be debated by the Deputies

Both in the Bases law and in the fiscal package, the deputies of the ruling party and the opposition will express themselves about the changes established in commissions and in the parliamentary debate:

  • Income Tax: one of the modifications focuses on the restitution of the fourth category of Income Tax. The version of Deputies, in this framework, proposes raising the non-taxable minimum to $1,800,000 gross for singles now $2,200,000 for married couples with childrenIf the article is approved, 800,000 workers would again pay the tax at rates ranging from 5% to 35%.
  • Personal Property: The Government, on the other hand, proposed in its negotiations with the dialoguing opposition the restitution of the Personal Property Taxes (IBP), since it considers it as a way to guarantee money laundering. The new floor would $27 million to $100 million and the deduction for family house would reach the $350 million.
  • Social Monotributo: is a system that allows the registration of productive, commercial and service activities of the social and popular economy. Within the axes, the extension was eliminated of the social single tax. This category sought to promote the formalization of lower-income sectors by allowing them to pay a minimum cost of $3,200. If their elimination is ratified in the Deputies, they would have to pay sums greater than the $26,000.
  • Privatizations: Congressmen will discuss the legislation after negotiations in the Senate led to the elimination of Aerolíneas Argentinas, Correo Argentino and all public media.
  • Pension moratorium: the blocks will also be issued on the elimination of the project that seeks to reform the pension moratorium and that plans to implement a new allocation mechanism.
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