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Defenders questioned the autopsy report

On Wednesday night, the final autopsy report was released in the case of Ariel Goyeneche, who died on February 12 in front of the 2nd Police Station in Paraná. It was reported that the body died of “asphyxiation due to mechanical compression of the abdominal torso” but the defense attorneys for the officials under investigation questioned that the report is “highly questionable.”

In this sense, the defenders Damián Petenatti and Iván Vernengo ratified ONE that the death of Goyeneche “it was not produced by the actions of his defendants” and highlighted: “The report’s conclusion is at odds with what was shown by the studies carried out and the images taken from the autopsy.”.

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READ MORE: Relatives of Ariel Goyeneche denounce that “there was torture”

On the other hand, they considered that “compression asphyxia is not only unexplained, but contradicts other conclusions in the report”. They also stressed that “According to the coroner’s private report, there are no characteristics of this type of asphyxiation” and they warned that “The autopsy was incomplete and insufficient, to the point that it was submitted with pending studies”. Finally, they overtook ONE that in the coming days the defense will request different measures of evidence.

The result of Ariel Goyeneche’s autopsy

The prosecutor of the case, Santiago Alfieri, reported that Goyeneche died from “asphyxiation due to mechanical compression”, which produces fixation of respiratory movements. This information reinforces the theory of Ariel’s family, who reported that the man was a victim of institutional violence and that he was tortured. It will be recalled that, as reported ONE, Ariel Goyeneche died on February 12 in the process of being detained at the 2nd Police Station of Paraná. According to details from the Police, Goyeneche was detained on Piedrabuena Street around five in the morning and would have tried to avoid the transfer, so he was taken inside the cell phone for correct identification.

READ MORE: Néstor Roncaglia: “It hurts me that they say that the police tortured him”

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Image: Report 100.7

However, during the journey, Police said the man continued to appear upset and angry. However, upon arriving in front of the police station, he decompensated after struggling with the officers and, despite the arrival of an ambulance, he died.

For Ariel’s relatives, the man was a victim of institutional violence by the Entre Ríos Police. One of his sisters said: “I have many videos where 30 minutes pass and they have him on the ground handcuffed, handcuffed, holding his feet. Two people climb on his chest, crush him and grab his legs. They were torturing him and he only asked for help. They had to “Take him to a hospital 300 meters away and they let him die.”.

In contrast, the provincial Minister of Security, Néstor Roncaglia, considered: “(Goyeneche) was never aggressive with the police, so the police have no reason to hit him or be aggressive, that is why it hurts me when they say that the police tortured him. What they wanted to do was give him restraint to transfer him to a mental health center.”.


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