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Dengue outbreak generates collapse of care in two important hospitals in Santander

The Cardiovascular Foundation, FCV, of Floridablanca and the University Hospital of Santander, HUS, in Bucaramanga, are the two medical entities that have High occupancy in emergency and hospitalization because a large number of cases are arriving, mainly of dengue and flu.

According to the criteria of

Coosalud is one of the IPS that has collapsed, at least in the Cardiovascular Foundation.

The Santander health secretary reported that The critical attention that the region went through two weeks ago has already been surpassedsince there was a collapse in almost all entities, however, it was confirmed that the Chicamocha, San Luis, Hospital del Norte, HIC, among other entities, have availability.

“Two clinics with high occupancy, the others have availability. The high occupancy is due to dengue, we are in an outbreak, we have been on alert since last year and we are also a references, we receive an agent from Arauca, Sur del César, Sur de Bolívar and Ocaña, in Norte de Santander”said Edwin Prada, Secretary of Health.

17,500 cases are registered regarding dengue and 12 have already been reported as deaths. The official called for a lot of prevention and care and highlighted that education is being carried out to understand where and how mosquito breeding sites are formed.

The most critical cases have originated in the metropolitan area of ​​Bucaramanga. “Let’s use repellent, be careful with the grandparents who are alone, clean the pools in the complexes.”

Finally, he asked the community not to self-medicate without knowing what evil is in the body.

“Let’s go to a doctor to have our platelets measured so that we don’t get into trouble. Santander, Valle del Cauca and Tolima are the countries with the most cases of dengue.”

Melissa Munera Zambrano


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