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They asked for four years in prison for Guillermo Moreno for manipulating the INDEC indices

The federal prosecutor Diego Luciani On Thursday he requested four years in prison and ten years of disqualification from holding public office for Former Secretary of Domestic Trade Guillermo Morenoaccused of manipulating the indexes of the INDEC with the aim of hiding inflation.

The charges facing the former official are abuse of authority, violation of secrets, destruction of records and documents and ideological falsification of public documents.


Guillermo Moreno is accused of the crimes of abuse of authority, violation of secrets, destruction of records and documents and ideological falsification of public documents.

Argentinian News

The Federal Criminal Court No. 2 of the Federal Capital, composed of judges, intervenes in the case against Moreno Nestor Costabel, Rodrigo Gimenez Uriburu and Jorge Gorini.

In turn, this court requested the same sentence for the former director of the IPC of INDEC Beatriz Paglieri, and two years of suspended prison and five years of disqualification for the employees. Marcela Filia and María Celeste Cámpora Avellaneda.

Paglieri is accused of being a co-author of the same crimes as the former presidential candidate, while the employees are in the case for being primary participants in the events.

The investigation against Guillermo Moreno

The investigation against the then Secretary of Commerce began in 2007 through a complaint filed by the lawyer of the civil association “Assembly for Social Rights” and is based on newspaper publications that report irregularities in the displacement of the former director of the IPC, Graciela Bevacqua.

According to the complaint, Moreno would have dismissed Bevacqua and replaced him with Paglieri, in the face of the refusal of the then director of the IPC to provide information about the businesses on which field studies were carried out to measure inflation.

Likewise, the civil association that made the presentation warned about manipulation of the inflation index published by INDEC in January 2007.

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