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What Sofía Herrera’s mother said about the comparison with the daughter of the former military man detained in the Loan case

Sofía Herrera’s mother, María Elena Delgado, spoke out after the viralization of photos on social networks that compared the daughter of former Navy captain Carlos Pérez, detained in the Loan Danilo Peña case, with her own daughter who disappeared in 2008. . “I don’t see any resemblance,” Delgado said in statements to Noticias Argentinas.

In the last hours, An image of a television interview that included the wife and daughter of former Navy captain Carlos Pérez generated a wave of comments on social mediaSeveral users claimed that the teenager had “very similar” features to Sofía Herrera, which sparked various speculations.

«The daughter of the captain detained by Loan is the same as Sofía Herrera. “The resemblance is too much.” expressed a user on social networks, reflecting a concern shared by many.

Given this situation, María Elena Delgado spoke with Noticias Argentinas to rule out any relationship. “I don’t see any resemblance”, he held firmly. Delgado was actively involved in the investigation of the Loan case, especially after Justice requested to activate the Sofia Alert from the first day of the search.

Sofía Herrera’s mother closely followed the case of the missing minor in Corrientes, showing her anguish over the lack of answers. On repeated occasions, she expressed the pain shared by the families who are still searching for their missing children. “It’s sad and it’s difficult, we are mothers who still don’t have answers”expressed Delgado in dialogue with radio Splendid.

The case of Sofía Herrera has also kept Argentina in suspense since her disappearance in 2008, and any possible clue or coincidence generates a strong reaction both in the media and in society.

Despite speculation, The investigation into Loan Danilo Peña and the connection with the disappearance of Sofía Herrera continue their course independently. The authorities continue working to clarify both cases and offer answers to the affected families.

The case of Loan Danilo Peña, who disappeared on June 13 in Corrientes, mobilized the community and the authorities, who are intensely searching for clues about his whereabouts. The arrest of Carlos Pérez, along with other people, is part of this investigation that generated widespread media and social interest.

For her part, María Elena Delgado continues to wait for answers about the whereabouts of her daughter Sofía, who disappeared in a campsite in Tierra del Fuego in 2008. The activation of the Sofía Alert, a system similar to the Amber Alert in the United States seeks to expedite the search for missing children through the rapid dissemination of critical information.

The hope of finding Sofía Herrera remains alive in the Delgado family, who do not lose faith that one day they will be able to reunite their daughter. Meanwhile, the mother continues to actively participate in all initiatives that can help resolve not only her case, but also those of other missing children in Argentina.

With information from Argentine News

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