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Manuel Díaz, new elder brother of Pasión de Córdoba for the next four years

The brothers of Pasión once again trust Manuel Díaz to direct the direction of the brotherhood for the next four years. The candidate, the only one who attended, obtained a total of 86 votes in favortwo against and one abstention.

He electoral process It was opened in April, after the eldest sister, Concha Olivenza, resigned in February of this year due to personal reasons incompatible with the performance of the responsibilities of her position.

The brotherhood has been guided in this period of time by which it was vice elder brother in the Concha Olivenza meeting. Manuel Díaz was already an older brother in the period between 2014 and 2022.

He will be the member of institutional relations in the governing board of Manuel Murillo, recently elected president of the Group of Brotherhoods and Brotherhoods of Córdoba.

Among the challenges that the Pasión brotherhood has on the next Holy Wednesdays to recover the earlier schedule that he had in the past to extend his route so as not to arrive at the Cathedral so early and to advance the schedule so as not to begin his season of penance at night.

This year, although the rain prevented the procession from going out into the streets, the brotherhood of the neighborhood of Saint Basil maintained everything as it has been doing since the new official race was implemented.

When he was an older brother previously, Díaz promoted the embroidery project of the pallium by María Santísima del Amor, designed by Julio Ferreira from Córdoba, approved before the Covid pandemic by the brothers. Yes, he was able to make the new cod and the Lord’s tunic, called the Crown, the work of Ferreira and embroidered by Jesús Rosado.


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