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Cuba is vice president of the Committee for Palestinian Rights; Brics will abandon the dollar; Honduras will host the Second Celac Social Forum; Argentines repudiated the Omnibus Law › Hilo Directo › Granma

Cuba rejected arrest warrant against Syrian President

A French court specializing in war crimes and crimes against humanity has confirmed the international arrest warrant against Syrian President Bashar al-Assad. In this regard, the member of the Political Bureau of the Cuban Communist Party and Minister of Foreign Affairs, Bruno Rodríguez Parrilla, rejected, through his account on x, such a ruling by the Court of Appeal in Paris, and “with possible application in the European Union.” (International Editorial)

Brics announces that it will abandon The US dollar in three years

The new development bank of the Brics economic alliance announced its plans to completely abandon the US dollar in the next three years. To this end, the Brics will contemplate an integration plan with local currencies, which should be promoted by the independent payment system project that could be presented this year. According to some sources, Saudi Arabia could also abandon the dollar in oil trade, settling transactions in yuan, a move that would bring huge losses for the currency as China buys more than 20% of the country’s oil exports. (Telesur)

Honduras hosts the II forum of Celac Social

Honduras hosts, until the 29th, the II Social Forum of the Community of Latin American and Caribbean States (Celac). The event, organized by social movements, unions and political parties in the region, is held within the framework of the commemoration of the 15 years of the Coup d’état against the Honduran president, Manuel Zelaya, and of the popular resistance in this Central American nation. Celac-Social Honduras 2024 has on its agenda the holding of seminars on women and youth, thematic tables on education, defense of the land, labor dignity and judicialization of politics, among other topics. (PL)

Argentine workers repudiated the Omnibus Law

After being approved by the Senate with modifications, the law that grants legislative powers to President Javier Milei returned to the Lower House, despite the rejection on the 12th. The day before, members of the State Workers Association (ate) and the Central Workers of Argentina-Autonomous (cta-a) reiterated their repudiation of it, and denounced the possible dismissal of more people before the end of this month. “They are trying to legitimize one of the biggest scams in history against society. The people are not involved in it, but five or ten multimillionaires. If they approve it, we will throw it in the trash,” said the general secretary of ate, Rodolfo Aguiar. (PL)

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