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Today is the celebration of Public Employee Day in Río Negro: The scope | Bariloche Opinion

This Thursday, June 27, commemorates the Provincial Public Employee Day in Río Negro, a non-working day for the entire state administration.

This date was established in 2019 by Alberto Weretilneck during his previous term as governor, in honor of the first Convention of the International Labor Organization (ILO) related to collective bargaining and labor relations in public administration. In addition, it coincides with the State Worker’s Day at the national level, established by Law 26,876.

On this day, most state agencies in Río Negro, including Bariloche, remain closed.

However, there are exceptions: the Health and Police sectors will remain operational. In the case of the Provincial Health Insurance Institute (Ipross), the 42 branches are closed, with attention redirected to 0800-333-4776 or through WhatsApp at 2920-475511, both available from 8 to 2 am.

State-owned companies such as Aguas Rionegrinas and Horizonte do offer services.

As for schools, the non-working day also applies to janitors, although it coincides with a Institutional Day from the Ministry of Education, so the students do not have classes, but the teachers did attend.

At the national level, the offices of agencies such as Anses and the Sectional Registry of Motor Vehicles are closed. Anses has not granted appointments for this day and will resume serving the public on Friday, June 28, keeping the payment schedule unchanged.

The AFIP also closed its offices to the public, but will keep its online channels active.

These measures ensure that public employees can commemorate their day, while essential services and some urgent procedures are managed through alternative channels.

(Bariloche Opines)

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