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Argentina condemns inclusion of Cuba in US report

In a statement, the organization said the decision to keep the island in the report “is one more way of punishing the Cuban people and government for not complying with imperialist designs.”

They use contradictory and not credible arguments to distort and defame the work of Cuban medical collaboration for decades, in more than a hundred countries, says the URCA message.

The United States government knows very well that Cuba restored health, saved lives and restored vision to millions of people around the world. The truth that Washington hides is that this list, like all the others, has a clear political objective, he adds.

Likewise, he considers that these reports “only demonstrate the frustrations of the empire in not being able to surrender to the Cuban people, even with the most genocidal, anti-human and cruel policies used to date.”

On the other hand, the URCA spoke out against the economic, commercial and financial war that the United States government is waging against the largest of the Antilles.

Since January 1, 1959, Cuba freed itself from the chains that tied it to imperial power and, as a free and sovereign country, has the right to choose its own destiny, the text indicates.



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