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Armenia reports 53 cases of Severe Acute Respiratory Infection –

Author: Natalia Trujillo Varela

Strata 2 and 3 are the most affected by cases in Quindío.

Alert in Colombia for Acute Respiratory Infections: 39,298 Hospitalizations and 170 Deaths

In a recent epidemiological bulletin from the National Institute of Health, corresponding to the period from April 28 to June 1, it was reported that in Colombia there have been 39,298 hospitalizations for Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI), of which 17,985 correspond to Covid-19, with a balance of 170 deaths.

In Quindío, the National Institute of Health reports 90 cases of respiratory conditions, of which 51 are men (56.7%) and 39 are women (43.3%). Among these cases, 29 correspond to people over 65 years of age (32.2%) and 23 to children under 5 years of age (25.6%).

Armenia leads with 53 cases, followed by Calarcá with 10, Montenegro with 8, Quimbaya with 7, Circasia with 6, La Tebaida with 3, Filandia with 2 and Buenavista with 1 case.

Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) are diseases that suddenly affect the respiratory system and represent a public health problem due to their high incidence. Specialists recommend protecting against sudden changes in climate and maintaining a balanced diet to strengthen the immune system.

These infections are caused by various viruses, such as influenza, AH1N1, respiratory syncytial virus, rhinovirus, adenovirus, and SARS-CoV-2.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has warned of the need to address the long-term effects of the Covid-19 pandemic, stressing that millions of people will require ongoing care due to the difficulty of diagnosis and the lack of specific treatments. Prevention remains the best strategy.

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“To reduce and control the effects of the different variants of the virus, as well as decrease mortality and long-term consequences, it is essential to use the tools that we know work,” explains Andrey Rojas, medical manager of vaccines at Adium-Moderna. “Vaccination is the most effective action to mitigate the serious consequences of respiratory infections, including death. The country has vaccines for influenza, pneumococcus and Covid-19, essential to control the increase in these infections that especially affect children and older adults.”

The report indicates that the population most affected by Severe Acute Respiratory Infections (ARI) belongs mainly to stratum 3, followed by strata 2 and 1. Strata 4 and 5 are the least affected.

In Armenia, there are 27 vaccination posts, of which 24 are enabled, 2 temporarily approved and 1 with special regime authorization. The ASPC Battalion No. 8 Cacique Calarcá is the only authorized special regime post. Other vaccination points include the IPS Centro de Atención Ambulatoria Red Salud de Armenia, the Correa Grillo Health Center, the Paraíso Health Center, Comfenalco Quindío, Clínica del Café Dumian Medical, IPS El Prado, IPS Salud del Caribe, Proenso, Neumovida and Red Salud Armenia ESE Unidad Intermedia del Sur.

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