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Trips for graduates, increasingly less requested in SLP: Canaco – El Sol de San Luis

The segment of trips due to school graduations has decreasedhe indicated Susana Estrada Tappresident of the Specialized Section of Travel Agencies of the National Chamber of Commerce, Services and Tourism (Canaco-Servytur).

In Exclusive for THE SUN OF SAN LUISEstrada Tap pointed out that In recent years, the organization of trips for school graduations has decreased, which is attributed to various factors, for example, the fact that By not going with parents, students engage in inappropriate behavior; another is that the Parents do not allow them to travel alone; and a third, that the Schools do not want to take responsibility for this type of activities.

In addition to this, he pointed out that Not all hotels welcome students who travel in groups without supervision, “there are one or two (hotels) in Puerto Vallarta that do accept only young people, but they can receive them in small groups of three or four.”

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In this way, he explained that when trips are made for graduation, it is because the parents organize them and they themselves accompany the students, although he specified that in these cases, Travel packages are usually booked one year in “it is not something that produces sales right now (in these months of the year).”

He mentioned that The organization of trips for school activities has also decreased, because although in this type of case the students travel with the accompaniment of teachers, insecurity has inhibited their realization; while on trips for sporting events, they are carried out with the accompaniment of teachers.

Finally, Estrada Tap indicated that When trips are made to celebrate a graduation, they are now done as a family.

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