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Guillermo Francos’ message after the approval of the Base Law: “A new stage begins for the Government and Argentina”

The Chief of Staff thanked the legislators who supported the initiative

Following the approval of the Base Law and the fiscal packagethe Chief of Staff, Guillermo Francos, celebrated the sanction of both projects and highlighted the objectives achieved by the national government. “A new stage begins for the Government and Argentina“, he alleged and sent his thanks to all the legislators who supported the initiatives.

The Chamber of Deputies held a session for more than 14 hours, during which time nearly 200 speakers were heard. Finally, voting began after midnight. Thus, with 147 votes in favor and 107 against, the ruling party achieved its first legislative victory.

Then, it was the turn of the fiscal package, which was voted on at the insistence. The Government managed to approve Personal property and the restitution of Profitsbut did not get the votes to insist on the review of the tax expendituresWith these issues resolved, the House of Representatives approved the other modifications made by the Senate to the initiative.

This is how Karina Milei and Guillermo Francos celebrated the sanction of both projects

In this context, through a video shared on his social networks, Franco assured that in the coming days the president Javier Milei will enact both laws and Your entire team will get to work to advance with the regulation of each of the regulations.

“This has achieved several objectives. The first is to demonstrate that with conviction and firmness and through dialogue, the national government has finally obtained an instrument that will allow us to achieve a stage of growth and development for all Argentines in the future,” he said.

In this regard, Francos explained: “Why the Basic Law? Because it is what will guarantee large investments to come and develop our natural resources, both in the energy, oil, gas and mining areas and other investments that exceed 200 million dollars in projects.”

Regarding the fiscal package, the official indicated that these reforms will allow the national government and the Argentine provinces “to have sufficient resources to balance their budgets and be able to better manage needs.”

The result of the vote on the Bases Law

From now on, a new stage begins for our Government and for Argentina as a whole.which we are convinced is going like thiser a happy future”, he projected in his message.

Finally, he extended his thanks to the legislators for the work carried out during these months. “Beyond who was in favor, who was against, I think we have done a job of debate, of dialogue to reach this, this conclusion and to have the instruments that we need to continue our government,” he concluded.

Francos closely followed the session in Deputies, together with the Secretary General of the Presidency, Karina Milei. Both celebrated the approval of the projects from the Chamber box.

Minutes before the Chief of Staff’s message, the Government celebrated the approval of the initiatives through a statement released by the President’s Office. “With 38 deputies, 7 senators and the support of a sector of the political leadership, and despite the obstructionism of Kirchnerism and its usual accomplices, who delayed the project for months, the National Government achieved the approval of the first law on the path to the free and prosperous country that Argentines elected on November 19,” they stressed in the statement.

The statement from the President’s Office

Like Franco, they sent a message to the members of Congress who supported the initiative by saying: “The Executive Branch thanks again the patriotic work of the legislators who understood the historical responsibility they had in their hands and contributed their affirmative vote. despite the constant and desperate attempts of those who seek to cling to their privileges at the expense of the country’s development.”

“As announced in the inaugural speech at the Opening of Ordinary Sessions, President Javier Milei convenes this July 9th in the Historical House of Independence to governors, former presidents, leaders of the main political parties, and legislators who want to accompany the process of change led by the president of the Nation, to eliminate the recipes of misery from the future of Argentina and embrace the ideas of freedom, committing to the historical signature of the May Pact with ten fundamental and refounding policies to restore the greatness of the Nation,” the message concludes.

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