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Session in Deputies: San Juan and Catamarca were in the crosshairs of Peronism

The Chamber of Deputies is aimed at sanctioning after more than six months the Base Law and the Fiscal Pact with the return of the Income Tax and the reduction of the Personal Property Tax. The Government has almost everything in place to celebrate when the day ends. However, there are some points that mark the pulse of the day.

In Unión por la Patria there is still strong uncertainty about what the three deputies for San Juan with Base Law and the four for Catamarca with Profits will do. The block chaired by Germán Martínez met for long hours last Wednesday before the session. There the banker Sergio Palazzo strongly targeted the people of Catamarca for wanting to vote for the return of this tax. Furthermore, he insisted on going to court to stop the return of this tax.

They raised the importance for the provincial administration of Governor Raúl Jalil of the return of this tax that is shared. For this district, 47,485 million pesos would come in, according to the calculations made in this province.

“In Catamarca they need these funds to be able to govern the province, it is something that a union member from the banking sector will never understand because they earn the best salaries,” said a source from the Peronist party in Catamarca.

In the last vote, one of them, Sebastián Nóblega, voted in favor. The rest, Fernanda Ávila, Silvana Ginnochio and Dante López Rodríguez abstained. Jalil met on Tuesday with the governors of what was Juntos por el Cambio and received a direct order: “Put the votes.” In fact, a sector of radicalism threatened not to support “if the Peronist governors did nothing.”

Something similar happens with Ley Bases. The Peronist deputies for San Juan are enthusiastic about the Large Investment Incentive Regime (RIGI) and could vote in favor of Ley Bases when the Senate’s changes are considered.

These are Walberto Allende, Fabiola Aubone and Jorge Chica. These same deputies voted in favor of the RIGI in the last session on April 30, along with the Catamarcans of Peronism. For this vote they could do the same. But there is a difference, the Regime this time will not be voted on separately, since in this Thursday’s session the changes imposed by the Upper House are defined yes or no.

At the last meeting of the Peronist bloc, they informed the Santa Fe native that they were going to maintain the same position. The intention of the bloc leader is “to keep it from breaking up.” “They can vote in favor, but I don’t see them breaking up the bloc,” analyzed a parliamentary source from the Peronist bloc.

Likewise, in recent days versions of threats from the deputies of La Cámpora against the people of Catamarca and San Juan of being expelled from the Justicialista Party have circulated.

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