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They capture an alleged jíbaro in El Banco, Magdalena

In the development of registration and control tasks carried out by the personnel of a Magdalena Police patrol, they allowed the capture of a man who must answer for the crime of carrying, trafficking and manufacturing narcotics.

The person involved was identified by the authorities as Wilmer Mercado Martínez, 34 years old, who was taken to the Immediate Reaction Unit of the Prosecutor’s Office in that river town.

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The capture of this person represents a blow against micro-trafficking in the territory, reaffirming the commitment of the National Police to the security and well-being of the banking community.

“Thanks to the rigorous search and control procedures carried out by the police in the southern Magdalena region, the capture of this man known as ‘Wilmer’ was achieved. During the search procedure, this subject was found to have 210 grams of bazuco wrapped in paper, enough material to process multiple doses of this illicit substance,” said Colonel Javier Alberto Duarte Reyes, commander of the Magdalena Police Department.

He also indicated that, “the National Police appreciates the collaboration of citizens and invites them to continue reporting any suspicious activity through the emergency lines, 123 or the Quadrant number of their sector, in order to continue working together for an environment safer and drug free.”


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