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‘Magdalena Talent’ benefits 102 students in San Zenón

The rector of the University of Magdalena, Pablo Vera Salazar; and the mayor of San Zenón, José Luis Méndez Becerra; signed a new agreement to expand the number of young people scholarship recipients, who will be able to participate in the school’s flagship program, ‘Talento Magdalena’.

The new places in Talento Magdalena agreed upon by the rector Vera Salazar and the mayor Méndez Becerra will be competed for equally between the students and graduates of high school who obtain the best individual score in the Saber 11 tests, representing each of the five educational institutions that operate in San Zenón. They will join the 97 young people from the municipality who have become beneficiaries of the program since 2017.

“Making a great fiscal effort, the administration of San Zenón has committed 60 million pesos with the signing of this agreement. We congratulate Mayor José Luis Méndez Becerra because he is investing in building a better future for his municipality by providing education to his youth,” said Rector Pablo Vera Salazar.

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The population’s leader recognized that a high percentage of youth in his territory lacks study opportunities, which is why he contributes a grain of sand to overcome this scourge. “I thank the rector Pablo Vera Salazar for bringing the University of Magdalena here in the municipality through the Magdalena Talent Program. I am committed to making this initiative become public policy in our municipality.”

Wilson Rafael Méndez Silva, a second semester student in the International Business program, was left speechless about what Talento Magdalena has meant in his life. “The program plants a seed of hope that first impacts our students, and that is why it is important to us to continue to be a part of our culture.” families and then to our community. What the University of Magdalena does for us is invaluable. Thank you, Rector Pablo Vera, for helping us believe that dreams do come true.”

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San Zenón, ninth municipality with the most applicants in Talento Magdalena

Since 2017 when it was created by the rector of the University of Magdalena Pablo Vera Salazar, the Magdalena Talent Program has admitted 2,377 students. In that period, San Zenón has reached an honorable ninth place with the most young people admitted. In it There are five educational institutions of departmental order in the municipality, four of them located in rural areas.

Thanks to Talento Magdalena, San Zenón now has a total of 97 beneficiaries who, thanks to the five new places agreed upon by the rector of the University of Magdalena, Pablo Vera Salazar; and the mayor of San Zenón, José Luis Méndez Becerra; become 102. Among these young people there are two graduates: Daniela Gutiérrez Navarro from the Biology Program and Kenia Elizabeth Larios Gutiérrez from the Public Accounting Program.

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The programs offered by the University of Magdalena that are preferred by students San Zenón’s bachelor’s degrees are: Civil Engineering, where there are currently 13 students, Systems Engineering has 12, Public Accounting has 10, and Environmental and Sanitary Engineering has eight.

After passing through: Concordia, Zapayán, Plato, Nueva Granada, Chibolo, Guamal, Pijiño del Carmen and San Zenón; ‘The route of opportunities’ led by the rector of the Universidad del Magdalena Pablo Vera Salazar and his team will visit: Ariguaní, San Ángel, El Retén and Cerro de San Antonio.

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