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Buenos Aires did not want Río Negro to obtain the social quota for shrimp

Start Economy Buenos Aires did not want Río Negro to obtain the social quota of…

The representative of Governor Axel Kicillof, Lic. Carla Estefanía Seain flatly rejected that Río Negro obtains a social quota for the crustacean to be processed in San Antonio plants. She also voted against Carlos Cantú, representative of Tierra del Fuego.

The representative of Chubut Dr. Andrés Pedro Arbeletche abstained, while the rest of the members of the table gave the positive vote. Let us remember that Dr. Sergio Paleo, who represents Río Negro, presented a note requesting a social reserve of shrimp.
As stated in the CFP MINUTE No. 9/2024; The presentation is received from the Province of Río Negro in which, in response to the serious situation that the fishing sector is going through in the province, the request made to the CFP on 6/12/24, for a social reserve for its jurisdiction of the 3,500-ton shrimp species.
Paleo presented provincial decree No. 480/2023 that declared a fishing emergency in the San Matías Gulf, in which CIMAS and INIDEP carried out a survey campaign on the shrimp resource, the result was concentrations without abundance sufficient to sustain fishing activity. This situation has repercussions on the economic and social situation of workers directly and indirectly linked to this activity.
After evaluating the application, the Federal Fisheries Council decided by majority to grant it with the aim of providing the province with a temporary tool to deal with the critical situation it is facing.
The negative votes were: the representative of the Province of Buenos Aires and the representative of the Province of Tierra del Fuego, Antarctica and the South Atlantic Islands, and the abstention of the representative of the Province of Chubut.
In her presentation, Carla Seain, representing the province of Buenos Aires, expressed her negative vote, pointing out “given that a social quota of this type, of this volume and under this instance of declaration of a fishing emergency for a province that does not have A fleet of its own for its capture, with few ships in a position to go out to the shrimp harvest and with few plants in a position to process a resource such as shrimp, is excessive and counterproductive. We find in the form of this request neither opportunity, nor merit, nor convenience. It even plays to the detriment of the Buenos Aires fishery, affecting the fleets and processing plants with investments already installed.”
It should be noted that the representative of the Buenos Aires governor Kicillof would be unaware of the production system, for example in San Antonio Oeste. From the moment shrimp began to be captured in the San Matías Gulf, local industrial plants processed shrimp, even in up to three shifts, for example between 2016 and 2018, which are
Likewise, the balance tipped for Río Negro with the following guidelines:
a) Create for the current shrimp season in waters under national jurisdiction, a social reserve of 3,500 (three thousand five hundred) tons of the shrimp species to be assigned for reasons of maximum social interest to the vessels designated by the Province of Río Negro, through express communication to the Enforcement Authority of Law 24,922.
b) Provide that unloading must be carried out exclusively in the Ports of San Antonio Oeste and Este.
c) Shrimp catches must be processed in land plants in that province.
d) It is established that article 10 of the fishery administration measures approved by CFP Resolution No. 7/2018 will not be applied to the allocation of this social reserve, without prejudice to the application of the remaining measures.
e) Vessels must have a fishing permit from the jurisdiction in which they will carry out the catch.


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