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Private companies demand that patients have access to essential surgery for dialysis – Nuevo Diario de Salta | El diario chiquito

The Association of Dialysis Centers of Salta and Jujuy (CEPRIDIASA) mediated with the provincial government so that patients could have access to definitive vascular access surgery. There were long delays at the state level.

The organization filed a formal complaint with the Ministry of Public Health of Salta regarding the delays in patients receiving definitive vascular access surgery, which is the way for chronic kidney patients to receive dialysis.

In a statement released by CEPRIDIASA, it was stated that there are long delays in ensuring that recipients of these procedures have regular access.

Nora Marchetta, president of the Association, said New dairy that the delays occurred since the health portfolio decided to take charge of these surgeries.

The Ministry made the decision to do it at the Dr. Arturo Oñativia Hospital, which is where vascular specialists are supposedly located and must have specific material such as prostheses, catheters, etc.

There are delays and there are practically delays or patients are denied care, especially those who come from the interior, who have to coordinate a way of transfer, all of that would have to be done by the Ministry, requesting appointments, having them treated at the Hospital, having the corresponding studies done, to decide what type of vascular access is done and then having the patient have an appointment in surgery to have that vascular access done.Marchetta said.

And he added: “All of this is very difficult, the logistics of all of this are really not being fulfilled in a timely manner.“.

Meetings with the Ministry

The authorities of the centers held a meeting with the general ministerial coordinator, Ricardo CarpioAccording to Marchetta, there was a willingness to resolve the conflict and appointments were given for patients this week.

We have been managing it for a long time and we believe that it is better. The Ministry considered that they could do it better and at a lower cost, which in our opinion is not the case.“.

Jimena Marchetta considered.

However, due to logistical problems, some patients from the interior could not access appointments at the hospital.

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