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Amazon conservation and the push for solar energy: The Church shows its commitment to caring for creation

“Connecting Realities”

Manos Unidas de Segorbe-Castellón, together with the Universitat Jaume I and the FACSA-UJI Chair, has organized the event “Connecting Realities”, which will take place on July 3, at 11 a.m. in the ESTCE Degree Room of the same university.

Lucy Urvina, a defender of Amazonian rivers in Ecuador, will participate in the event, presenting the water situation in the Amazon. This will be followed by a round table discussion with representatives from each of the participating organizations who, together with Lucy, will discuss how to contribute to the conservation of the longest river in the world.

In the post-synodal apostolic exhortation “Dear Amazonia”, the Holy Father Francis reveals his dream for this region:

«I dream of an Amazon that fights for the rights of the poorest, of the indigenous peoples, of the last, where their voice is heard and their dignity is promoted. I dream of an Amazon that preserves the cultural wealth that makes it stand out, where human beauty shines in so many different ways. I dream of an Amazon that jealously guards the overwhelming natural beauty that adorns it, the overflowing life that fills its rivers and jungles. “I dream of Christian communities capable of giving themselves and incarnating in the Amazon, to the point of giving the Church new faces with Amazonian features.”

“Brother Sole”

On the other hand, Pope Francis – he and his predecessors – in Laudato si´ proposes that we recognize that creation is full of wounds caused by our irresponsible behavior, and so he invites “all humanity to become aware of the need to change their lifestyles, production and consumption, in order to combat global warming, the main cause of which is the widespread use of fossil fuels.”

“It is necessary to make the transition towards a sustainable development model, which reduces greenhouse gas emissions into the atmosphere, with the goal of climate neutrality,” says Pope Francis in the apostolic letter in the form of motu proprio “Fratello.” sole” – Brother Sol – inspired by an expression of Saint Francis of Assisi, and published by the Vatican press office last Wednesday.

For this reason, the Pope has made the decision to build a solar energy plant on the outskirts of Rome with the main objective of self-sufficient Vatican City. “Humanity has the technological means necessary to confront this environmental transformation and its pernicious ethical, social, economic and political consequences, and among them, solar energy plays a fundamental role,” he emphasizes in the text.

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