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San Juan hosted the Telecom Meetings 4.0 cycle

Encuentros 4.0, the Telecom cycle, took place this Thursday, June 27 at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of San Juan, in a hybrid in-person-virtual event, before a vast auditorium of students and representatives of the public and private sectors, as well as attendees from all over the country who followed it via streaming.

This edition was hosted by journalist Lorena Maciel, while the opening was led by the rector of UNSJ, Tadeo Berenguer, and Ramón Arellano, Manager of Institutional Affairs at Telecom, who highlighted the strategic importance of San Juan in the company’s institutional agenda and business projection.

Students, businessmen and the general public attended Meetings 4.0

“Telecom is today a technology company that combines traditional services with an ecosystem focused on digital platforms and services, with connectivity as a strong differentiating factor. In recent years, we have made investments in the province to strengthen the fixed and mobile networks that enable these services, which are now available to the people of San Juan,” said Arellano.

In the first panel, Adriana García Nieto, Minister of the Court of Justice; Mauricio Cerezo, Administrative Undersecretary of the Court of Justice, and Fabricio Echegaray Mestre, Secretary of Digital Transformation and Modernization of the State in the Ministry of Economy, Finance and Treasury, commented on the various initiatives to improve the link of digital citizens with the institutions of the State.

The first panel delved into the various initiatives to improve the link between digital citizens and the State. Photo: Gonzalo Medina / DIARIO HUARPE

The second panel, as hosts of the event, representatives of the Faculty of Social Sciences told the audience about different strategies that they carry out through the Augmented Virtual Reality Observatory, a public-private management initiative that is developing digital content within the faculty. In this sense, the dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences of the UNSJ, Marcelo Lucero, together with Ana Giménez and Fabricio Pérez, offered a perspective located on the role of Social Sciences within innovation systems and the function of the academy in the transmission of knowledge.

The second panel delved into the role that universities play today in the development of talent. Photo: Gonzalo Medina / DIARIO HUARPE

Finally, Guillermo Páez, Director of Product and Service Platforms at Telecom Argentina, and Augusto Salvatto, entrepreneur and consultant in knowledge economy, the third panel was a space for collective construction.

The third and final panel was a space for interactive collective construction. Photo: Gonzalo Medina / DIARIO HUARPE

In the words of Guillermo Páez, “the key to navigating this technological landscape lies in the ability to adapt and constantly learn. Innovation is not only about creating something new, but also about redefining what exists to improve it. It is a process that encourages critical thinking, collaboration and problem solving. We do the same at Telecom, where we have managed to develop a digital ecosystem that is constantly being renewed.”

Encounters 4.0

The event in San Juan is the ninth meeting of this federal cycle. The main objective of the activity is to invite collective reflection through an enriching exchange around technology and its application in daily and professional life. As part of Encuentros 4.0, in recent years national and regional talks were held in the cities of Córdoba, Mendoza, Corrientes and Ushuaia. The cycle crossed the borders of Argentina, and was also present in Asunción, Paraguay. Each of these editions can be relived on Institutional Telecom.

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