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ARCHAEOLOGICAL MUSEUM OF CÓRDOBA | ‘Summer at the museum’ organizes workshops for children from 6 to 12 years old

‘Summer in the museum’: The Archaeological Museum of Córdoba organizes workshops for children from 6 to 12 years oldCORDOVA

The Archaeological Museum of Córdoba announced this Friday the activities it has organized this year within the cycle Summer at the museum, aimed at children. Workshop places are limited and require prior registration in all cases, although at the moment, only the first one has been opened.

Roman Ludi

From July 2 to 16 at 11 a.m., a workshop will be held for children from 6 to 12 years old with the name Ludi Romani whose registration opened today at 9 am. The Romans were great players and the archaeological record gives proof of this. In everyday life, they always found a place to play a game of tcannonballs, knucklebones, dice… The latrunculi, the ocellates (marbles), the buxus (spinning top) or the doudequim scripta They are some of those that can be played and learn the rules.

Andalusian games

From July 4 to 18, the children’s workshop for children of the same age is called Andalusian games and registration will open next Monday 1st at 9 am. Vacations at the Museum continues to investigate the playful part, this time focused on al-Andalus. During the Andalusian period, theGambling games were not allowed, but strategy and analysis games were. Most of them come from the East and are still played today. In this workshop, board games will be the protagonists.

Archeodrome. Archaeologists for a day

Finally, from July 14 to 28 at 11 a.m., the Archaeological Museum will host a workshop for families with children from 6 to 12 years old called Archaeodrome. Archaeologists for a day. In this case, reservations can be made from July 11 at 9 a.m. With reason International Day of Archaeology (July 28)the museum approaches the profession of archaeologist and archaeological science. To distance itself from the stereotypical image of the treasure hunter that has been attributed to professionals in Archaeology, in this workshop they will work on an archaeology site to show how archaeological science requires training, prior studies, and rigorous scientific documentation.


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