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How the legislators of Mendoza voted

Chamber of Deputies of the Nation, session of the Law Bases, omnibus law, June 27, 2024.jpg

Photo: NA

Base law: what they said and how the people of Mendoza voted

The Mendoza residents who are part of the National Congress in the Chamber of Deputies are ten: Lourdes Arrieta, Martin Aveiro, Adolfo Bermejo, Julio Cobos, Facundo Correa Llano, Mercedes Llano, Alvaro Martinez, Lisandro Nieri, Liliana Paponet and Pamela Verasay.

From the side of Peronism, Bermejo, Aveiro and Paponet did not support the official proposal. While the radicals Cobos, Nieri and Verasay gave support to Milei, as did the libertarians Llano, Correa Llano, Martínez and Arrieta.

“We are going through a historic day with the approval of the Bases Law and the fiscal measures. Without a doubt We begin to write the chapter of a new Argentina. The recovery and progress of Argentines will no longer be a utopia, but will become a reality,” Correa Llano said through his X account.

On the opposite sidewalk, Liliana Paponet decided to speak while the questions of privilege were being discussed, minutes before the debate on the basic law began.“They are cutting back on public works, housing, education and health. The State that is being dismantled today is not being replaced and the vacuum is creating very worrying problems,” he said.

Despite the messages they spread on social media, The only one to ask to speak in the room was the radical Lisandro Nieriwho appreciated some of the Senate’s contributions, but regretted the deletions that the text received.

The legislator of the Radical Civic Union (UCR) considered the contributions of the Senate in the Regime of Incentives for Large Investments (RIGI) to be “superior”, specifically with regard to “improving value chains and the development of local suppliers”, as well as the incorporation of the blocking of companies as a cause for dismissal without cause, since “many companies have ended up being closed by thugs who have prevented their operation for days and months.”

However, he regretted some changes that were made to the project approved in the first instance by Deputies: elimination of state-owned companies subject to privatization, elimination of the solidarity fee for unions, increase in mining royalties and personal profits and assets.

You may also be interested in reading: Nieri, the man from Mendoza who spoke at the session for Ley Bases: “I have disappointments left”

Law of Bases and Starting Points for the Freedom of Argentines

This is the initiative that was presented and fell on last summer. From the original project, which contained 664 articles, in this new instance it was reached a 232-article opinionwith many topics left out but others incorporated, such as the labour reform.

Throughout April, officials of the Executive Branch negotiated the new text and the fiscal package with the governors and the dialogue opposition, within which are the blocks of the Pro -ally-, the Radical Civic Union, Hacemos, Federal Coalition and Federal Innovation.

The projects were those that Javier Milei He made it a condition for the signing of the “May Pact” between the Nation and the provinces during his speech on March 1st before the Legislative Assembly. Although the president himself has said on more than one occasion that his plans could go ahead without the Law of Bases, the government remained faithful to the objective of obtaining both laws.

You may also be interested in reading: Martín Aveiro and the Bases law: “At least we managed to prevent privatizations from being incorporated”

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