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The Government eliminates regulations that capped Internet, cell phone and cable rates

Government deregulated the market of Internet, cell phones and cable. The decision was made official this Thursday through Resolution 13/2024 published in the Official Gazette and comes into effect today. In this way, the auditors of the National Telecommunications Entity (Enacom), Juan Martín Ozores, Patricia Roldán and Alejandro Pereyra eliminated all the regulations that put a limit on rates.

The document details a series of regulations from the previous Government in which they established rates and the enforcement authority was granted the power to regulate the prices of essential and strategic public services of competing ICTs.

In this sense, the recitals state: “After the issuance of the aforementioned Resolutions, through DNU No. 302 dated April 9, 2024, DNU No. 690/2020 was repealed, while also Article 15 of Law No. 27,078 and amendments, together with the modification of its Articles 48 and 54 by the following: “ARTICLE 48.- Rule. ICT Services licensees will set their prices, which must be fair and reasonable. reasonable, cover the costs of operation and tend to provide efficient provision and a reasonable operating margin.” “ARTICLE 54.- Public Telephone Service. The Basic Telephone Service maintains its status as a public service.”

The Government promotes free competition in the telephone, cable and internet markets.

And it is added: “It emerges from the recitals of DNU No. 302/2024 that “…ICT services have been created in competition, as well as the provision of mobile communications services, being an essential faculty for its development and growth. the possibility that licensees can set their rates freely” and that “… DNU No. 690/2020 establishes an essential modification to the legal framework of the sector, which must be corrected in order to safeguard the rules that allow the development of a competitive market and the free setting of prices for the services provided.”

The Government repealed the following resolutions

  • ENACOM No. 1,466/2020
  • No. 27/2021 (ratified by ENACOM Resolution No. 170/2021)
  • No. 28/2021 (ratified by ENACOM Resolution No. 163/2021)
  • No. 203/2021
  • No. 204/2021 (ratified by ENACOM Resolution No. 588/2021)
  • No. 862/2021
  • No. 2,187/2021 (ratified by ENACOM Resolution No. 275/2022)
  • No. 725/2022 (ratified by ENACOM Resolution No. 1,174/2022)
  • No. 1,754/2022
  • No. 2,393/2022
  • No. 2,494/2022 (ratified by ENACOM Resolution No. 409/2023)
  • No. 557/2023
  • No. 323/2021.


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