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Woman arrested for buying stolen olives after an investigation started in CórdobaCORDOVA

An investigation of several olive thefts In Córdoba, he led the Civil Guard to an oil mill in the town of Pinos Puente, in Granada, where he was detained a person as the alleged perpetrator of a crime of Document forgery and receiving. In addition, Benemérita has investigated another ten for numerous thefts of olives and falsified documents.

According to the Civil Guard, the investigations began in January, where one of the ROCA teams of the Command of Cordoba. During the numerous controls of people and vehicles, the agents verified several cases related to olive thefts in which they detected that some of those investigated were carrying DAT,s (Document Accompanying Transport) where the origin of the shipment was already completed, this being a farm in the municipality of Seville. The recipient, an oil mill in the Granada town of Pinos Puente, was also filled out in the same document, as well as the rest of the fields in said document, leaving only the date and the information of the transporter-researcher to be filled out.

Given this, Operation Al-Yussana was started to investigate why all the suspects They carried a DAT identical, with the origin of the olive on a farm in a town in Seville and the destination an oil mill in the Granada town of Pinos Puente, with which they intended to give legality to the fruit they were transporting.

With the collaboration of the Board

Immediately, the ROCA team requested collaboration from the Agriculture, Livestock, Industry and Quality Service of the Territorial Delegation in Córdoba of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries, Water and Rural Development, to carry out inspections joint in the oil pressolive reception point.

Following the relevant checks and verifications in the point of purchase of oliveshighlighted the volume of olives and the price at which the olives “coming” from said farm were paid.

On May 14, 2024, the exploitation of the Operation Al-Yussanawith the arrest of the owner of the purchase of olives, considering her the alleged perpetrator of a continuous crime of reception, using the lease of a property, having received more than 233,503 kg of olives, valued at 229,946 euros, as well as an alleged continued crime of documentary falsification, by issuing the partially filled DATs, knowing that the olive did not originate from the agricultural property referenced in the DATs.

In the course of the investigations, it was confirmed how several people, during the current olive campaign, had delivered large quantities of olives to the place investigated by the agents, with the olives allegedly coming from the same farm in Seville, where It was possible to verify that there were no olives left on the dates that appeared in the DAT, so we proceeded to investigate a total of 10 people more for alleged crimes of document falsification and theftsince they could not justify the legal origin of the olives.

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