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Fishing in Sancti Spiritus adds contributions for July 26 – Escambray

The arrival of raw materials will guarantee the diversification of production at the Aquaculture forming plant. Episan predicts productive growth, together with the change of image of its facilities

The Forming Plant will increase the assortments destined for the population. (Photo: Oscar Alfonso).

Following the arrival in Sancti Spíritus of several tons of wheat flour destined for the Fishing sector, it is possible to resume the productive rhythm and the diversity of assortments in the Forming Plant subordinated to the industry belonging to Aquaculture, which is part of the actions of the sector in greeting to July 26.

According to Erick Pérez Márquez, director of the Sancti Spíritus Fishing Company (Pescaspir), a container of raw meat is also about to be received, which is combined with the fish mass to enhance the preparations, which can reach some 60 tons of food per month, destined for sale in the 15 fishmongers existing in the province. Meanwhile, he said that work is being done to put into circulation the so-called mobile fishmonger that will be in charge of the municipalities to take the supplies to remote communities.

Although not exempt from difficulties that affect both the development of catches and the preparation of products, Aquaculture in Sancti Spíritus aims to improve its offerings during the summer months in response to the demand not only of the population, but also of the accommodation centers where the vacation plan is developed.

In this sense, the director of Pescaspir himself highlighted that his entity maintains the option of carrying food products at a minimum cost in order to facilitate their acquisition and consumption. Likewise, he announced that work is being done so that in the months of July and August pregnant women receive 5 pounds of minced fish, as well as 3 pounds of minced fish and 2 pounds of croquettes for underweight children in the province.

Rosaida Soto, director of the Sancti Spíritus Fishing and Industrial Company (Episan), explained that the designation of the national headquarters by the 26th of July to the province constitutes sufficient reason to promote a group of actions aimed at improving the construction and service conditions in the seven fish markets that her entity has, as well as in other centers of the sector located in the fishing poles of Casida and Tunas de Zaza.

He explained that for the month of July Episan has a plan for 15 tons of formed foods, which will increase to 25 to respond to the demand of the population, fundamentally. In this effort, it is necessary to achieve an increase in the catches of different species that contribute to the industry, while the rest of the raw materials are guaranteed.


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