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Luis Miguel Córdoba Concert | Luis Miguel chooses Córdoba to start his Spanish tour: this is the romantic reason

Luis Miguel chooses Córdoba to start his Spanish tour: this is the romantic reasonEUROPA PRESS

Luis Miguelreturns to the Spanish stages in a big way and does so with Córdoba as the starting point. The news broke last November. After the success of his two concerts in Madrid, with sold out tickets for the next 6th and 7th of July, the Sun of Mexico announced new dates in Spanish territory and that the start of his tour would take place in the Los Califas bullring, in Córdoba, on Friday, June 28th.

The choice of the capital of Córdoba for this event and not a large city like Madrid or Barcelona has been interpreted by its followers as a tribute, a complete love declarationto his partner, the designer from Cordoba Paloma Cuevas.

Friends since childhood and partner since 2022

The choice of the capital of Cordoba for this important event is not coincidental, given that it is the your partner’s hometown Paloma Cuevas. The one known as Sun of Mexico and the Cordoba designer, divorced since 2020 from the bullfighter Enrique Ponce, maintain a discreet relationship from 2022.

Luis Miguel and Paloma Cuevas.

Despite the fame of both, the couple decided from the beginning to maintain a low profile and avoid being seen in public. However, the people around her point to a consolidated relationship and Paloma Cuevas has been a fundamental support in Luis Miguel’s return to the stagewith a triumphant tour in 2023.

A movie romance

The romance of Luis Miguel and Paloma Cuevas could be described as “a movie”, since the relationship has come after years of friendship that began in their childhood. Forks the first contact between the two comes from their parentssince Luisito Rey, Luis Miguel’s father, sang at the capeas in which Victoriano Valencia, bullfighter and father of Paloma Cuevas, participated.

Given the discretion with which they conduct their relationship There is great expectation to know if the designer will be present on Friday, June 28 at Los Califas, although there are already sources that indicate that Paloma Cuevas could be absent from the event due to a health problem of her parents.

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