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Villavicencio provides access to safe water in rural schools

In line with its purpose of improving healthy hydration habits through water-based products and services in an innovative and sustainable way, Villavicencio is committed to providing access to safe water to the community of Las Heras, Mendoza. Through its program “Together for Water“The company brings together all its water-related initiatives, such as reducing industrial water consumption, preserving and restoring watersheds and providing access to safe water to vulnerable communities.

Villavicencio is a B Company, a certification granted to companies that operate with specific social, environmental and transparency criteria. This year, in alliance with the triple impact company Agua Segura and the local municipality, they carried out an initiative to guarantee and manage access to safe water in 5 rural schools in this town, in collaboration with school directors and school staff. the city Hall.

At Aguas de Origen we are guided by the purpose of improving healthy hydration habits through water-based products and services in an innovative and sustainable way. The water access program is a result of that commitment, with which we seek to transform the realities of our communities and hundreds of students, converting their daily water source into safe, quality water.“said Juan Pablo Barrale, Corporate Affairs and Sustainability Manager of CCU and Aguas de Origen.

As part of the initiative, innovative technologies were implemented to ensure access to water for human consumption and specific training was carried out for the use and maintenance of the new technology installed in schools. This technology is highly effective in filtering contaminants in household water. Thanks to its implementation, it allows for the consumption of rich and healthy water in schools.

In Argentina, the water crisis presents different scenarios and for all of them there are concrete projects that can transform the life and development possibilities of an entire community. From the implementation of technology for water treatment, to restoration projects through nature-based solutions that help recharge aquifers, to the construction of a rainwater harvester, always accompanied by educational workshops on the water cycle and care and hygiene guidelines. Everything has an impact, and these public-private projects are essential for the sustainability of the projects.” explained Catalina Deluchi, VP of Sustainable Business Development at Agua Segura.

For this reason, the project is not limited to the installation of water filtration technologies, it also includes an essential educational component. In-person workshops were held to value water and promote healthy hygiene practices. For example: when to use safe water, how much water a person should drink per day, and even how to wash hands. This practical and participatory education seeks to empower school communities, ensuring the sustainability of access to safe water.

The joint work between the public and private sectors leads us to combine and generate synergy for something as emblematic and necessary for the development of a community as water. In this context, we believe that these types of actions are vital to make its importance visible, as well as to ensure efficient use of it.“”, concluded Francisco Lo Presti, Mayor of Las Heras.

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