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How the Santa Fe deputies voted on the Bases, Profits and Personal Assets Law

Early this Friday morning, the Chamber of Deputies of the Nation approved the first two laws of Javier Milei’s administration: the Bases law and the tax law.

The lower house was to debate and vote on the amendments introduced by the Senate, which involved extensive negotiations by the ruling party to obtain the numbers that gave it its first legislative victory in six months.

The session began after 12 noon on Thursday and ended in the early hours of this Friday. Credit: HCDN

With great support from the “dialogue” sector, the Ley Bases was approved with 47 votes in favor, 107 against and two abstentions. With great support from the PRO, the UCR and a large number of minority forces, the negative vote came from Unión por la Patria, Frente de Izquierda, a member of Hacemos Coalición Federal and the two socialist representatives from Santa Fe.

Regarding the Tax Law, the vote was divided into four stages. First, the specific article on Tax Expenditures was voted on, and second, the approval of the reinstatement of the Income Tax for workers who earn a salary of 1,800,000 pesos or more.

Then the reform of the Personal Property Tax was made, which includes a reduction in rates and only at the end was the approval of the rest of the fiscal package.

The details of the individual votes were not modified for the Santa Fe legislators based on the initial vote of the Bases law.

Specifically, in the case of Profits, the bill was approved with 136 votes in favor, 116 against and three abstentions. The percentage change occurred in the face of the new negative votes of eight members of UCR, one from HCF, one from PRO, one from Por Santa Cruz and one from MPN. None of the new members of Santa Fe voted.

The moment of the vote on Income Tax. Credit: HCDN

In the case of Personal Property, the vote ended with 134 affirmative votes, 118 negative votes and three abstentions. In this case, the trend of the representatives of the “invincible” was repeated.

The particular situation of the vote was faced by Mónica Frade of the Civic Coalition for the province of Buenos Aires, who was the only one who abstained in all cases.

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