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EMCOTUR CÓRDOBA | Juan José García Palacios, new president of the association of tourism entrepreneurs

Juan José García Palacios, new president of the association of tourism entrepreneurs EmcoturCORDOVA

Businessman Juan José García Palacios has been elected by acclamation as the new president Tourism Business Association from the Province of Cordoba (Emcotur). The association held its fourth ordinary general assembly last Thursday, June 27, at the Córdoba Congress Palace, where both the new president and the board of directors were elected.

After the previous president did not stand for re-election for work reasons, Antonio Ramosbusinessman Juan José García Palacios, was elected by acclamation as the new president of Emcotur – Lands of Córdoba.

The new president

Juan José García Palacios owns and runs a rural accommodation located in the Rivero village of Posadas. He has extensive experience in associations, as he currently holds the vice-presidency of the Association for the Promotion of Tourism in the Guadalquivir Valley and has been the vice-president of Emcotur for the last few years.

The new president of Emcotur-Lands of CórdobaThe company has opted for the continuity of the board of directors, reinforcing it with new members of recognized prestige in the sector. “Emcotur intends to continue growing and consolidate itself as a good instrument of support for local and provincial administration,” said García Palacios in his speech, where he added that his intention is “to go hand in hand in promoting Córdoba as a tourist destination, in perfect coordination and harmony with the offer of travel services of the companies and associated professionals from all the regions of Córdoba”.

The new president of Emcotur during his speech.

After the assembly, a professional day was held on the potential of AI and social networks for the development of tourist experiences between the capital and the province. The potential of the city was also shown. Lands of Córdoba through its more than 10 incoming travel agencies. The day ended with a networking for exchange of contacts between the business community and prescribers of the capital.

The new president of Emcotur together with the president of Imdee, the vice president of the Tourism Board, the president of CECO and members of the association.

Conferences supported by Imdeec

The conference was made possible thanks to a subsidy from Imdeec through its ESAL 23/24 programme. The president of Imdeec, Blanca Torrente, and the president of the Confederation of Businessmen of Córdoba (CECO), Antonio Díaz, opened the conference. Both thanked the work carried out by Antonio Ramos, the previous president of Emcotur, and congratulated the new president, wishing him the greatest success, comments that were joined by the vice president of the Provincial Tourism Board of Córdoba, Narci Ruiz.

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