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How each block voted on the Bases Law, the return of Profits and Personal Property

He The ruling party today declared victory with both the Ley Bases and the fiscal package and the most discussed articles on the Income and Personal Property Tax. Although the results show relatively comfortable majorities, it had to break a sweat in some cases, and leave several reforms along the way, which will surely be taken up later with new specific laws.

The Law Bases 147 positive votes, 107 negative and two abstentions.

The initiative La Libertad Avanza was supported by the PRO, the UCR, the bulk of Hacemos Coalión Federal, Innovación Federal, most of the Civic Coalition and other minority forces.

The Union for the Homeland bloc, the five members of the Left Front, the two socialist deputies from Santa Fe (Mónica Fein and Esteban Paulón) and Natalia De la Sota from Hacemos Coalición Federal voted against.

Sergio Acevedo (Santa Cruz) and Monica Frade (Civic Coalition) abstained.

Income Tax

In the replacement of the fourth category of Earnings, the distribution was similar, but with greater fragmentation into allied opposition blocks such as the UCR.

This chapter, which requires that salary income exceeding 1,800,000 pesos be taxed again, was approved with 136 positive votes, 116 negative votes and three abstentions (Roxana Reyes, Silvana Ginocchio and Mónica Frade).

The Union for the Homeland voted against with the exception of the three Catamarcans (Fernanda Ávila, Dante López Rodríguez and Sebastián Noblega), and the five left-wing representatives, the two socialists, De la Sota (HCF), Acevedo (Por Santa Cruz), Jorge Ávila (HCF), Fernando Carbajal (UCR), Carla Carrizo (UCR), Mariela Coletta (UCR), Marcela Coli (UCR), Pablo Juliano (UCR), Osvaldo Llancafilo (MPN), Facundo Manes (UCR), Ana Clara Romero (PRO), Danya Tavela (UCR) and Martín Tetaz (UCR) also opposed the return of Profits.

Personal property

The Personal Property reform, which includes a reduction in rates, ended with 134 affirmative votes, 118 negative votes and three abstentions (Frade, Nicolás Massot and Margarita Stolbizer).

Voting against, in addition to the Union for the Homeland and the left, were Fein (Socialist), Paulón (Socialist), De la Sota (HCF), Acevedo (PSC), Jorge Ávila (HCF), Fernando Carbajal (UCR), Carrizo (UCR), Coletta (UCR), Coli (UCR), Juliano (UCR), Manes (UCR), Emilio Monzó (HCF), Florencio Randazzo (HCF), Tavela (UCR).

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