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UNIVERSITY OF CÓRDOBA | The Junta expands the network of university entrepreneurship centers with a CADE at the UCO

The Board expands the network of university entrepreneurship centers with a CADE at the UCOCORDOVA

He University counselorResearch and Innovation, José Carlos Gómez Villamandos, presided this Friday over the signing of the agreement signed by the general director of Andalucía Emprende, Daniel Escacena, and the rector of the University of Córdoba (UCO), Manuel Torralbo, through which will enable a Andalusian Entrepreneurship Center (CADE) on the Rabanales Campus to promote entrepreneurship in members of this university community and promote the creation of innovative companies based on knowledge.

Gómez Villamandos has highlighted the “determining role” that Andalusian public universities play in injecting knowledge into the young population, which is why their department designed a strategy at the beginning of this term to implement CADES in all of them.

“We have realized that bringing the entrepreneurship support services “Where knowledge is created, it works and favors the creation of innovative companies, which have a differential value to increase the competitiveness and sustainability of the economy,” stated the head of the University, after pointing out that with this center the center will be expanded to six. number of devices that the network of university entrepreneurship support centers has. Thus, the CADE-UCO It joins those implemented at the Universities of Almería, Internacional de Andalucía (UNIA-Málaga), Jaén (with two devices, one in the capital and another on the Linares Campus) and Pablo de Olavide (Seville).

The new president of Emcotur together with the president of Imdee, the vice president of the Tourism Board, the president of CECO and members of the association.

Network of universities

According to the minister, the aim of his department is that by the end of the year all students in the network of public universities in Andalusia who want to start their own business will have at their fingertips a comprehensive service of support, advice and guidance so that they can develop their business ideas without having to travel, completely free of charge and with the assurance that they are viable. “This will increase, on the one hand, the probability of survival of the projects in the market and, on the other, the competitiveness of those that are consolidated as companies, contributing to the strengthening and sustainability of the economy,” he said.

Gómez Villamandos has also stated that, in Andalusiaalmost 61% of the people who have started a business activity through Andalucía Emprende so far this year are young people (under 40 years old) and one in four (25%) has a university education. “We are talking about more than 6,000 young people and more than 2,600 university students, figures that show that there is an entrepreneurial vocation among Andalusian youth, that there is qualified talent and that the Andalusian Government’s commitment to promoting innovative and knowledge-based entrepreneurship is necessary and decisive,” he stressed.

Finally, he considered the collaboration and involvement of the administrations to be “essential” to materialize this network because “by joining efforts we are contributing to a more prosperous future for our young people and for society.”

For his part, the rector of the University of Cordova has congratulated itself on “the launch of this new center that will reinforce the policy of promoting entrepreneurship that the institution has been developing among its students and the university community as a whole.” Torralbo has valued the union of efforts “to contribute through initiatives like this to the socioeconomic development of our territory.”

About the CADE of the UCO

Specifically, the UCO CADE will be integrated into the Coworking Space located in the Rabanales Agri-Food Campus and will be made available to entrepreneurs free of charge. To this end, Andalucía Emprende will assign a technician, who will provide advisory, training and awareness services on entrepreneurship matters, as a priority, to all members of the university community. In addition, it will carry out all the necessary technical coordination tasks with the university for the optimal development of the signed commitment.

Likewise, under the agreement signed, both institutions undertake to jointly develop actions that encourage entrepreneurial initiative in university students and to collaborate in the promotion and dissemination of programs that contribute to economic development and the generation of employment through services, tools and inter-administrative collaborative formulas.

Likewise, they will collaborate in the organization and development of actions to raise awareness and promote entrepreneurial culture, in advising and tutoring entrepreneurial ideas and projects, in the design and delivery of training in entrepreneurship, and will facilitate business accommodation and access. to financing rounds. Added to this is support for research on entrepreneurshipthe development of actions to promote the internationalization of entrepreneurial activity and the promotion of financial education for social innovation.

This agreement is based on the fact that both the University Department and the University of Córdoba consider “of high interest” the development of practical training activities in entrepreneurship that complement academic training and favor the acquisition of entrepreneurial skills in students. With this they aim to promote their entrepreneurial capacity, preparing them to carry out professional activities, as well as to facilitate their employability.

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