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First complaints filed against Arturo Segoviano for fraud at the Universidad Potosina – Astrolabio

Estela Ambriz Delgado

Students and parents who were defrauded by the Potosina University SC. They have already begun to file the corresponding complaints against the rector Arturo Segoviano García in the Office of the Attorney General (FGE), advised by the State Executive Commission for Victim Assistance (CEEAV), which will also provide them with a team of lawyers to pursue a class action lawsuit.

A group of those affected, accompanied by the lawyer Benito Ramos of the Undersecretary General of the Interiormet on Wednesday, June 26 with the head of the CEEAV, Miguel Angel Garcia Amaroto whom they explained the problems and the irregular state in which the institution is found, with the details that have been mentioned in the meetings with the State Government Education Secretariat (SEGE).

Alan Cornejo was one of the relatives who attended the meeting, and reported that they received guidance from García Amaro.

The head of the CEEAV suggested that they start for the moment with individual complaints for each case, which must be raised by the affected students, who at the moment would be 40so that they can later be integrated into a single research folder.

The official also told them that once they finish filing the complaints, the team of lawyers that the CEEAV will provide them will represent them; With all the complaints, a collective complaint will be prepared to seek reparation for the damage, so that families can look for spaces at other universities and help with expenses.

After the talk, they were advised and CEEAV personnel accompanied them to the Prosecutor’s Office to file the first complaints. Over the course of this week and next, they will be given an appointment in groups to carry them out and give way to the collective complaint.

Alan Cornejo He mentioned that the CEEAV was committed to being a bridge between those affected and the FGE. So far there has been good attention and speed by orders of the Secretary of the Interior and the governor Ricardo Gallardo Cardonasince attorney Benito Ramos told them that he is already aware of the case, in addition to having their full support for the situation.

To conclude, the citizen called on all affected people, regardless of whether they are active students, students of medicine, any other degree that has been taught at this institution, or former students who have dropped out due to all the rumors, they can join the complaint, since after a year after they found out about the situation the university is in, the crime of fraud prescribes and after that time they will not be able to sue.

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