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In 2023, Córdoba recorded three deaths of indigenous children due to malnutrition

The department of Córdoba is in an alarming situation, ranking in the top 10 regions of Colombia with the highest number of deaths from acute malnutrition in indigenous children under five years of age during 2023.

According to the “Early Childhood Malnutrition Report”, prepared by the Ombudsman’s Office and the Association of Food Banks of Colombia, Córdoba reported three cases, evidencing a nutritional crisis that particularly affects the indigenous communities of the region.

This report reveals a worrying trend at the national level, with 171 reports of deaths among the indigenous population and 15 among the Afro-Colombian population.

In Córdoba, the situation is especially critical for the Emberá Katío community, which is among the ten most affected indigenous peoples in the entire country, with 16 reported cases.

The Ombudsman’s Office calls for the implementation of comprehensive actions with a differential ethnic focus in Córdoba, which address the structural causes of malnutrition.

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