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What San Salvador de Jujuy will be like in 10 years according to artificial intelligence

June 28, 2024 – 08:33 By Editorial Staff

The artificial intelligence It offers many possibilities to inform yourself, learn details about the future, and other technological functions. In this framework, we take advantage of this tool to see how it will look San Salvador de Jujuy ten years from now. We show you an image developed by AI and some characteristics of the place.

To create a detailed visual representation, AI said this is what San Salvador de Jujuy will look like in 10 years

  • Modern buildings: Tall, elegant buildings with glass facades and sustainable structures, such as solar panels and vertical gardens.
  • Advanced Transport: Clean streets with electric trams and autonomous buses, as well as charging stations for electric vehicles.
  • Sustainable Technology: Parks and green spaces with sustainable technologies, such as efficient LED lighting and renewable energy sources.
  • Urban Innovation: Advanced portable devices and charging stations for electric vehicles in various parts of the city.
  • Natural Integration: The city surrounded by green mountains, showing a harmonious integration between modernity and the natural beauty of the region.

Images of what San Salvador de Jujuy would look like in 10 years

San Salvador de Jujuy artificial intelligence.jpg

San Salvador de Jujuy in the future – Image created with artificial intelligence

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San Salvador de Jujuy in the future – Image created with artificial intelligence

This note was created with information shared through artificial intelligence.

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