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The renewed Logroño brand is already visible in the Espolón to invite you to take photographs

Friday, June 28, 2024, 12:39 PM

| Updated 14:04h.

Logroño already shows off the letters of its name. Each and every one of them. It’s not that it didn’t do it until now, but from today the ‘l’, the ‘o’, the ‘g’, the ‘r’, the ‘o’, the ‘ñ’ and the ‘o’ are physically in the center of El Espolón inviting you to take photographs with the equestrian statue of Espartero as a backdrop. And the newly appointed ‘ambassadors’ of the city have been the first to do so.

The capital of La Rioja, which has presented its renewed city brand based on the l and o of 2017 that formed a smiling face, thus joins a trend from years ago, that of placing its letters of greater or smaller size as pretext for the portrait of tourists… and of the neighbors themselves.

In this case, Logroño has opted for small characters, sufficient for its purpose, it is true, although perhaps not as many as expected given the commitment of other municipalities; opting, however, for a flower box as a support for the whole, perhaps as a differentiating element.

White letters, with the initial ‘I’ using the aforementioned official brand, standing out from the Corten steel of the street furniture used as a support, and with the plants and flowers completing a ‘prop’ in keeping with the green area where it is located, an obligatory passage for both locals and foreigners.

Opinions for all tastes, yes, but photos, lots of photos, too, of those attending the event where the protagonist has fallen on the twenty ambassadors ‘appointed’ to make the benefits of our city known outside of it, in fact they have been doing so for years and hence their appointment.

The ‘planter’, mobile in other words, was discovered with the letters ‘LOGROÑO’, and although the initial idea of ​​the City Council is to keep it in that place, it is not ruled out that it will also be used in other places, according to Europa Press.

The renewed brand in question reviews the one created in 2017 by Moruba (the aforementioned graphic design studio of Daniel Morales and Javier Euba has taken care of its update) to withdraw the one from 2021 (that is, that the ‘Hello, I am Logroño’ of Cuca Gamarra replaces ‘Visita Logroño’ by Hermoso de Mendoza).

In short, Logroño launched its ‘new’ brand this Friday, the verbal and graphic image that will be used to promote the city. And he has done it in an event to present what, in his opinion, “evokes the open, happy, hospitable and human character of Logroño, as well as its great quality of life.” An event that, as planned, has had the participation of several Logroño residents with prestige in various fields and who serve, and will continue to do so, as ambassadors of the city.

Conrado Escobar, the current mayor, has expressed that this renewed brand responds, basically, to “a feeling”: “Logroño is a great city by law but also by feeling. Today we give it shape with these letters, thanks to the creativity of Logroño.” “Logroño is its letters, that ‘ñ’ that brings us closer to Spanish and Spain. Symbols are important and we have tried to make the flag, the anthem and the coat of arms a little more our own, but what matters most is what unites us around this city,” he said.

«Logroño inspires welcome, inspires cordiality, inspires sympathy. Logroño evokes deeds, evokes characters, nostalgia and also memories. Logroño seduces, catches, surprises, envelops. Logroño is commerce, hospitality, wine, music, culture. Logroño is the street, it is the Paseo del Espolón, it is the Ebro and it is also the Camino de Santiago », he added.

«What we present today will be part of the visual map of this city» and, following his speech, »in this accelerated world in which we live there will be one more pretext to take a photograph, in this case next to the Espartero which is a symbol for Logroño ». Because, as Escobar has stressed, “this brand has an ultimate recipient who is the heart of all the people of Logroño.”

«This brand is the excuse, it is the invitation to feel Logroño, to live Logroño, to share Logroño, starting with us. This brand is about looking inside ourselves to go out with the pride of the city, with the pride of those from Logroño. This brand is a date with our future and that future is in a way to be imagined, to be developed and to be discovered, and the best way to do it is together,” he concluded.

Those in charge of updating the brand, that symbol with an ‘l’ and an ‘o’ in the shape of a smiley face, have explained that its revised design “reflects what Logroño and its inhabitants are.” And, from now on, every visitor can take a memory of it and them in the form of an image, with which to tell other future visitors about the city and its people. “We have created a human and memorable brand because we want people to remember it.” And, to do this, they have used an infographic “that represents the city well and that combines past, present and future.”

Among the ambassadors, by the way, are Andrés Pascual, Angelines González, Bernardo Sánchez, Carlota Castrejana, Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón, Eli Amatriain, Helena Ezquerro, Pepe Imaz, Javier Peña, Millán de Benito, Elena Pilo, Santiago Tabernero, Pablo Sainz Villegas, Pepe Viyuela, Lorenzo Cañas, Beatriz Álvarez, Alfredo Tobía, Seila Espinosa and Jesús Rocandio… all of them, some through a video and others in person, have participated in the event.

In addition, free and open-air concerts by two groups from Logroño, Messura and Vuelo 505, are planned for tonight as a recreational-festive event to launch the ‘new’ brand. They will begin at 9:30 p.m. at the Espolón shell, and the first will be their farewell after the announcement of the group’s dissolution.

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