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The Government closed 20 SENASA offices throughout the country

This Friday, through a resolution published in the Official bulletinthe owner of the National Service for Health and Food Quality (SENASA), Pablo Corteseordered the closure of 20 offices, of which five are in the Buenos Aires provincein line with the president’s adjustment plan in the public administration, Javier Milei.

This way, Cortese He argued that the reason for the closure of the offices of SENASA is for “Improve the coordination, economy and efficiency of the service”, while promising that “this reduction will not affect the provision of the service in the territories.”

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In detail, the Government decided to close the local offices of the SENASA located in the Buenos Aires province, Cordova, Currents, Missions, Jump, saint Louis, Santa Fe and the Buenos aires citywhile integrating the jurisdiction towards the nearest headquarters of the organization.

It is worth mentioning that the integration of closed offices into the closest one implies, in some cases, a distance of 40 kilometers between one and the other, as in the case of the headquarters of Chapel of the Lordwhich now depends on the Saint Andrew of Gileswave of Berissowhich now depends on the The Silver.

Likewise, in the case of the dependencies of the SENASA in the Buenos Aires provincethe Government defined the closure of the headquarters located in the municipality of Colonel Rosales to pass it to White Baywhile that of Henderson became dependent on Daireauxand of St nicolasto Branch.

In this way, the national health agency now has 112 offices in the Buenos Aires provinceafter suffering more than 550 layoffs in the area during February and March, when the unions representing their workers called for different strike measures.

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It is worth remembering that on Thursday, the day on which the day of the state worker was commemorated, the union State Workers Association (ATE), called for a mobilization to Plaza de Mayo, in view of the possibility of a new wave of mass layoffs in the public administration.

What is happening is that the scene of the 15 thousand layoffs of state employees that occurred on the first working day of April could be repeated next Monday, because the precarious contracts that were renewed at that time for a duration of three months are expiring again.

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