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Two destinations of national interest will be restored from Sancti Spíritus

Approximate reading time: 1 minute, 26 seconds

Two destinations of national interest – one by bus and the other by rail – must be reestablished in this central province at the beginning of July, a decision that undoubtedly lays the foundation for better service in passenger transportation.

The information was confirmed by José Lorenzo García, delegate of the Ministry of Transportation, who explained that, with the reopening of the Sancti Spíritus-Cienfuegos exit, the only national bus route pending since the scourge of covid-19, five years ago, will be reestablished.

With two weekly trips (Tuesday and Saturday), the cars will circulate through Trinidad, whose residents will be able to make their reservations, according to the number of seats allocated to that municipality.

Despite the tense situation with fuel, tires, batteries, spare parts and supplies, Sancti Spíritus has maintained departures to the Cuban capital from the provincial capital, Yaguajay, Cabaiguán, Fomento, Jatibonico, Trinidad, and also to Matanzas. , Villa Clara, Camagüey, Santiago de Cuba and Guantánamo.

The train that has normally run between the provincial capital and Havana is expected to be back in operation in early July.

With several stops along an itinerary that covers five provinces, including those of origin and destination, the train must offer service every four days, with capacities that will also be reserved at the Viajeros offices, located in the Sancti Spiritus terminal itself. railways and in the intermunicipal, while it is intended to open a new location for this in the National Bus, explained José Lorenzo.

The manager added that, in the context of the preparations, the Gaviota cars, where the passengers will travel, are located in San Luis, Santiago de Cuba, where technical details are being adjusted to start the service without problems.

Although the train has been running during the last two years during the months of July and August, the intention is to keep it running for the rest of the calendar.

In the next few hours, work must begin on the so-called Nela Bridge, within the city, to guarantee safety along that section of the railway.

In the event that such work is delayed or presents difficulties, an alternative has been considered to leave from Guayos or Zaza del Medio, where passengers would be transported by bus, says the Transport Delegate in the territory.

The reestablishment of the aforementioned departures is inserted among the specific ways of greeting Transport Worker’s Day (this June 28), and the 71st anniversary of the events of Moncada, whose national celebration will take place in the province of Sancti Spiritus.

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