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Cuba advocates peace and solidarity, and fights against terrorism • Workers

The influential Gambian newspaper The Standard echoes today a statement from the National Assembly of People’s Power (ANPP-Parliament) of Cuba, which emphasizes that the Caribbean nation is a country of peace and solidarity, and does not sponsor terrorism .

In the text of the ANPP’s International Relations Commission, inserted in the printed and digital editions of the aforementioned daily newspaper of this West African nation, the United States is asked to exclude the largest of the Antilles from the spurious list of states that promote violent actions.

He points out that Washington is determined to lie about the reality of Cuba and its principled position in the fight against international terrorism since the triumph of its Revolution on January 1, 1959.

He said that, through the use of arbitrary lists, the White House administrations are manipulating political interests of domination and hindering the right of the people of the island to their development and well-being.

The declaration also denounces the effects of the immoral economic, commercial and financial blockade imposed for six decades to try to surrender the Cubans.

Remember that the oldest archipelago in the Caribbean and its people have been victims of violent attacks sponsored, protected, financed and organized by successive US governments: 3,478 Cubans have died as a result and another 2,099 have suffered injuries.

It confirms that the Antillean nation maintains its categorical commitment against all terrorist acts, methods and practices, has never participated in the organization, financing or execution of acts of this type, is a State Party to the 19 international conventions related to this scourge and was the fifth country to ratify them all.

In its statement, the ANPP calls on US President Joe Biden to exercise his powers and rectify the injustice.


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