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Changes in electricity payments in Cuba. This option disappears

In a last-minute announcement, authorities from the Electric Union (UNE) in this province, detailed the changes in electricity payments that will be implemented in Cuba from now on. More details below.

According to the local Santa Clara radio station, Estereocentro, on its Facebook profile, at the last minute, UNE specialists gave more details about the payment of electricity in the provincial capital, Santa Clara.

“The collector reader will visit the homes on two occasions, the first time to read the consumption and the second time to

2nd time to charge your consumption and The consumption receipt that informed us monthly disappears electricity consumption”, they specified.

They added that at the ATM the customer can pay for their consumption and also the electric company.

will issue a QR code that we will know through the reader-collector so that the customer can pay their electricity consumption.

Payment is still required at the Electric Company, Post Office, Cadeca and Bank. Payment is made 10 days after the meter is read. Approximate date is the 25th of each month,” they added.

Changes in payment for electricity in Cuba

If you have questions about the new changes of the Electric Company, you can call the UNE commercial offices and according to them, “you will be attended to.” The changes implemented in Villa Clara could already be implemented in other Cuban provinces or are about to be implemented.

“With so many seniors, who guarantees that they are not scammed, where is the proof of payment? The UNE really surpasses itself in every measure it takes, without words”, “All the more reason we have to read the meters ourselves” or “And what about that invention now? I don’t have much expectation because nothing they come up with ends up benefiting us,” were some comments after the changes in the payment of electricity in this province of Cuba.

Other users made fun of the fact that they had to pay for electricity, when it is the least there is nowadays, due to the constant blackouts.

According to authorities, electricity bills will also be paid for by Transfermóvil.

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