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Economic Sciences students will get their first job in one of the largest consulting firms in the world

The meeting, which lasted all day, was held in the halls of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the UBA

The Faculty of Economic Sciences of the UBA demonstrated that the university is not an island: fifty students, with expectations placed on their immediate future, participated in a pre-selection process by a top-level company in which, possibly, many of them, upon completing it, will be able to access employment.

This was the first massive event organized by the Talent Management of the Business Development Center, recently created, framed in an agenda of meetings with companies operating in the country.

The Talent Center allows students to apply for job offers at any time through the Talent Management portalwhich works as a link between companies looking for professionals and advanced students of the faculty who are in the process of getting a job within the areas of their training.

Aimed at thousands of students from the Faculty of Economics, who voluntarily uploaded their CVs to the Faculty’s job management site, each company makes an initial pre-selection and those who remain continue to participate in the process.

“The increasing complexity in the business world causes a constant demand and growing number of graduates or advanced students of Economic Sciences, especially accountants,” he explained Juan Manuel Secorun by the Business Development Center of the Faculty of Economic Sciences of the UBA.

Likewise, he explained that “our intention is to build a relationship between our faculty and companies.” They have already contacted forty top-level organizations in the country and hope to reach 500.

Talents are sought

The requirements to apply for job selection vary according to the company. In this first experience, around seventy advanced students from the different courses of the faculty, who had been preselected from among more than 300 resumes, shared a day with recruiters from the PWC consultinga global network present in 152 countries that provides services in auditing, consulting, tax, legal advice and outsourcing, among others.

The preselected students participated in various activities with managers of the consulting firm PWC

In this case, students who had completed 70% of the course and who were fluent in English were eligible to apply.

Yanina Frenkel, a psychologist graduated from the UBA, is the director of the recruitment area of ​​this company, and was the one who led the day. She explained that “the selection process lasts approximately a month and a half and the search range is very wide, since in addition to accountants, administrators, economists and auditors are valued.”

He said that for companies, the collaboration of the university in the search for talent is key and that young people approach their jobs with their expectations placed on their present and with a desire to train and perfect themselves.

The Business Development Center aims to link the faculty with the business world


Julieta, one of the trainers, who trained in Social Sciences at the UBA, He was surprised by the level of the students. Many of them already had work experience, some formal and others informal. In this meeting, which served to learn more about his expectations, the common denominator he found was the talent of the students.

The main questions from the young people revolved around two issues: on the one hand, the schedule to be met and whether the company contemplated flexibility to be able to continue studying; and the second, if in case of entering an area, after a certain time, it was possible to change to another.

“The possibility of generating and maintaining relationships with companies both in the country and abroad facilitates the collaborations, participation in projects and programs and applied research. This alliance that began to be built with the private sector is strategic for both the faculty and the student to design their future,” added Seco.

The objectives of the Business Development Center ( seek to create a link with the main companies that operate in the country. According to Seco, “the idea is to open the doors to them, to bring them the talent already selected and interviewed by our team of recruiting; bring the academic offer of postgraduate courses closer; form a link with the faculty’s teaching staff to do research. In the same sense, that companies can take action in the faculty, that businessmen offer classes and seminars, that is, offer our talent to the business worldfrom students to teachers and researchers.”

When the work day ended, both parties left with the same feeling of joy and surprise. For some, for having found potential talents and for others, for realizing that the university is not an isolated entity, but that one of its missions is to be proactive in promoting the professional success of those who study in its classrooms.

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