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CoWeb | Education| The Garage: Key Actors

In the last chapter of “El Garage”, Rodrigo Reyes, co-founder and director of Dos Barbas and director of, explains the crucial role of key players within the business model.

Key partners are entities or individuals external to the company that significantly impact its development and operation. These may be suppliers that provide vital raw materials, strategic allies that facilitate distribution and marketing, or even competitors with whom strategic alliances are established to achieve common objectives. Their contribution is essential to mitigate risks, expand resources and capabilities, and enrich business knowledge.

Understanding and maximizing the potential of these key players is essential to strengthening the competitive position of any company. This approach not only optimizes operational efficiency, but also opens up new opportunities for expansion and differentiation in the market. If you’re looking to propel your business toward new horizons of success, this episode of “The Garage” offers valuable insights. Follow us on Instagram and TikTok to discover how you can transform your business model with effective collaboration strategies.


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