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The three pillars of a stage without excuses

“If we didn’t have a law, we benefited politically. Now, the ball is in our court.” With this football metaphor, similar to the one that the head of state himself often uses in private, a man who walks through the corridors of the Pink House admitted the paradox that challenges libertarian administration. While following the legislative novel, there was a clear enemy to be able to blame him: the caste.

In Balcarce 50 they believe that much of the time has run out, that period called “honeymoon”, in which society gives a vote of confidence to the President at the beginning of his government. From now on and after numerous internal conflicts, the libertarian administration should show results concrete, beyond the sustained drop in inflation that this same administration brought to peaks of 25% in Decembersuch as the recovery of real wages, the improvement of the quality of life and the reduction of insecurity in hot areas of the country such as the Buenos Aires suburbs or Rosario.

The three pillars of Javier Milei and the May Pact

The model that the President has in mind continues to be that of supporting three fundamental pillars for what he announced as “the new stage” of his government: stabilize the macroeconomywith the fall in inflation and the promise of lift the trap; reinforce the security through the Ministry that leads Patricia Bullrich under the symbolic mandate of reinforcing the word “order”and give social containment with the mega-Ministry of Human Capital of Sandra Pettovellotoday under judicial scrutiny for the withholding of food and fraudulent contracts.

“Those are our three goals, the rest can wait,” he told Letter p an influential government official. In any case, although macroeconomics, security and human capital are part of a large leitmotiv of the libertarian administration, there were many points of frustration throughout these first six months.

Extra time for Toto Caputo

The promise to lift restrictions on the purchase of foreign currency was passed from May to June and now in the Casa Rosada they are already talking about it end of the cepo by the end of the year or early 2025when the minister Toto Caputo solve the problem of the putsa type of liquidity insurance for debt securities granted by the Central Bank.

In terms of security, according to the readings they do in Balcarce 50, they have achievements to show. At least they celebrate regularly the anti-picket protocol that Bullrich designed. They did it on June 4 due to the operation mounted around Congress: in the middle of a repression against protesters, the Government claimed that it prevented a “coup d’état” perpetrated by “terrorist” groups.


The Chamber of Deputies approved the omnibus law and the tax reform.

The positive outlook is repeated with the area led by Pettovello. Despite the massive flight of officials and the overflow of social demands, she is the only minister, according to Milei’s own words, who has an “open wallet” to sustain this stage of the crisis.

While all this is happening, the libertarian administration already has on its agenda to resume the call for the May Pact, which, as this media announced, was called for July 9.

For Independence Day, the President plans to participate in the traditional event in Tucumán, whose governor, Osvaldo Jaldohad already proposed his province on that date if there was no signature on May 25.


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