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La Rioja will need 850 foreign self-employed workers by 2030, UGT estimates

UGT estimates that 850 new foreign self-employed workers will be needed in the next five years. The union recognises that the importance that foreigners have acquired in the economy of our community is an indisputable reality. In the area of ​​self-employment, in the last ten years the figure of 2,480 foreign members of RETA has been reached, 41.70% more than in 2014. At the community level, foreign membership represents 10.11% of total membership of RETA in La Rioja, a figure similar to the percentage of foreign membership in salaried work. The sectors in which the membership of foreign self-employed workers has grown most significantly since 2014 are commerce (573), construction (552), hospitality (466) and other services (235), which include personal care activities.

But in addition, from UGT they explain that they are “witnessing the problem caused by the lack of generational change in self-employment and the aging of the productive fabric in our country; In the coming years, approximately 3,800 self-employed workers are expected to retire. Taking this into account, along with the loss of self-employed people in certain sectors, UPTA estimates that approximately 850 foreign self-employed workers will be needed in La Rioja before 2030.”

In light of this, UPTA Spain met this week with the Secretary of State for Migration, Pilar Cancela, to discuss this issue of great importance for our group, highlighting the specific weight that migrants have in the generation of wealth and job creation in our country, as well as the importance of the reform of the Immigration Regulations, of which more details will be known in the coming weeks. A much-needed reform that must be aimed at simplifying the procedures for all those people who want to start a business on their own.

For all these reasons, “it is necessary to convey to society and administrations the crucial importance of foreign entrepreneurship, to encourage its growth and maintenance and, of course, to abandon all xenophobic behavior.” Foreign people who decide to undertake and grow the economy of the country and any region have a specific weight and their presence is vital for the survival of cities, especially in rural areas. For this reason, it is essential to guarantee that those people who decide to undertake and invest in Spain do so with dignity and with equal opportunities, favoring their integration, both economic and social.


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