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The Catamarca Pride March and Festival 2024 takes place today

June 28, 2024 – 11:28

This Friday the 28th, starting at 3 p.m., the “Catamarca 2024 Pride March and Festival” will take place at the 25th of May Square. “That will be the place of concentration to then march for the rights obtained and those that the national government wants to take away in recent months,” they stated. The activities will culminate with a great festival in the square with the participation of artists and all the organizations that have been making this great event a reality at the provincial and national level. The event is organized by the Provincial Diversity Table.

According to the Provincial Director of Women, Gender and Diversity, Belky Pennise Zavaley, who will join this brand, we must celebrate this day with colors and joy, because it is a commemorative and festive day but also a day of memory of what happened on June 28. 1969 in a bar in New York, which marked the history of the world because that revolt generated a collective consciousness to confirm and reaffirm the feeling of LGBTIQ pride in the world.

“The main objective of these marches is to demand from the current national government more public policies of inclusion and insertion for the diversity group, as well as to stop promoting LGBTHATE speeches and raise high the flag of pride by sharing this great event worldwide. provincial with the whole family,” they indicated.

In the Plaza 25 de Mayo

Today the “Catamarca 2024 Pride March and Festival” takes place

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