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Mayor of Sincelejo says they did not hire patrols: “we are hiring park care”

The city of Sincelejo is facing a debate on security following the decision of the Superintendency of Surveillance and Private Security to suspend private patrols that replace police functions. In an interview with Blu Radio, Mayor Yahir Acuña defended the current contract with a security company, VIPERS LTDA, arguing that it complies with current regulations.

Acuña explained that the precautionary measure imposed does not affect surveillance in public parks. According to the president, these actions are permitted by law and are focused on specific spaces, without interfering with police patrol and rapid response tasks.

The contract we signed makes clear the limitations of not entering into the powers that the public force has, that is clear“, he said.

The mayor assured that the security guards follow established protocols to prevent crimes and respond to incidents. Regarding the appearance and uniforms of the security personnel, Acuña mentioned that their clothing complies with the regulations of the Ministry of Defense and the Superintendency.

In response to the regulatory body’s decision, the mayor said he would not file legal appeals and noted that it was up to the security company to handle the matter within the legal framework, defending its interests without disregarding the measure imposed.

“They are suspending VIPERS for a service that we have not contracted. We have not contracted patrols, we have not contracted police work, we are contracting the care of our public parks with clear instructions.”said the president.

The situation has generated a debate about the role of private security in public spaces and its relationship with police functions.


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