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Public works: Nation discriminates against Corrientes and will continue more projects in Chaco and Misiones

Public works: Nation discriminates against Corrientes and will continue more projects in Chaco and Misiones

The Secretary of Public Works of the Nation declared that only 10 works will be financed in our province for their completion. While Chaco will have 14 and Misiones 11. They will receive funds from the National Treasury. The government of Javier Milei will only reactivate 15% of the projects in execution – approximately 376-.

In the last few hours it was revealed that the government of Javier Milei will continue with only 10 public works in the province. Of the 2,731 works that are paralyzed throughout the country, 376 will continue and 924 will remain unfinished. It was revealed that the provinces of Chaco and Misiones will have funding from the National Treasury to finish more works than in our province.

The announcement was made by the Secretary of Public Works of the Nation, Luis Giovine, within the framework of the Annual Convention of the Chamber of Construction (CAMARCO), who highlighted that 15% of the projects in execution, considered to be high priority.

Of this total, Corrientes represents 2.7% at the national level, ranking among half of all jurisdictions with works that will continue to receive financing. In the region, the province of Chaco will continue with 14 projects and in Misiones 11. Among the most benefited are the provinces of Buenos Aires, Córdoba and Santa Fe.

In Corrientes, no type of agreement has yet been signed for the reactivation of these 10 works, nor is it certain which will be the priorities to receive national financing.


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