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Cuban students win eight medals at the XV Ibero-American Computer Science Olympiad

Students of pre-university education obtained six silver medals, two bronze and two mentions in the XV Ibero-American Computer Science Olympiadheld in Peru online.

With that result, The Cuban team ranked fourth among the 16 participating countries. Brazil, Mexico and Spain were in first place, in that order, according to the Ministry of Education (MINED).

Cuba’s medalists were Camilo Triana, Maité Morales, Marcos Escandón, Adrián Pacheco, Francis José Rodríguez and Sergio Jorge Montero, who won silver medals, in addition to the tanned Manuel Alejandro Plana and Cristhian Ernesto Lugo. Luis Felipe Hernández and César Raúl Luis González obtained mentions.

The team also included Reinier García Montes de Oca, Zaniel García Orihuela, Karen A. Zaldívar and Christopher Jesús Constantin Pérez from Santiago.

Professor of the José Maceo Pre-University Institute of Exact Sciences in Guantánamo and experienced team coach, Leonardo Cardona, explained that the test took place on June 22 and 23.

It consisted of solving, in five hours, four problems of an algorithmic nature, in which different programming topics subdivided into subtasks could appear. This means that the same problem could have several solution algorithms for a certain range of data.

Although the Cuban team did not win any gold medals in this Informatics Olympiadin which a total of 166 young people participated, did manage to surpass the results obtained in the 2023 edition, when six medals were achieved, including one silver and five bronze, as well as five mentions, said Cardona.

The professor also described this year’s results as admirable, because some members of the team competed while sick and gave their best. This allowed them to win eight medals and two mentions.

The coach explained that Cuba has participated in these competitions since 1998.. It only stopped participating in 2010. The island has had 257 representatives in the Olympiad to date. With them, 141 medals (21-43 and 77) and 18 mentions have been achieved.

Camilo Triana Barata, Marco Antonio Escandón García, Maite Morales Carreras and Francis José Rodríguez Ronda, silver medalists in the competition in Peru, will make up the Cuban team that will participate in the International Olympiad, which will take place from September 1 to 9 in Egypt.

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