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Medina Azahara once again schedules a series of theatrical visits at night in Córdoba this summer


The Medina Azahara Archaeological Complex, located in Córdoba and dependent on the Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sports, will offer a program of theatrical activities during the nighttime visiting hours in the summer, which will take place on Fridays and Saturdays, between July and September 20, through dramatizations that this summer are titled ‘The Circle of the Caliph: Arabs, Slavs and Berbers’ and will highlight the diversity of the population that inhabited the caliphal city.

In this regard and as reported by the Andalusian Government in a note, the territorial delegate of Culture, Tourism and Sports in Córdoba, Eduardo Lucena, has explained that, “to make the summer nights in Medina Azahara more attractive, for several years For years we have been organizing these dramatized visits, which provide added value to the traditional daytime visit. Furthermore, as he has pointed out, “these stories with historical rigor change their theme every year.”

This year, the programme will provide an insight into the diversity of the population of three ethnic groups, namely Arabs, Berbers and Slavs, who lived in the palace and performed political, administrative, military and domestic duties. The performances will therefore take place in the main buildings of the palace, such as the Upper Basilica Building, the House of Yafar and the guardhouse.

“Through a historical account full of magic and rigor, the aim of these activities is to explain not only the functionality and the way in which these buildings and spaces were used, but also to highlight their architecture and evolution,” explained Lucena, who stressed that “the works are carried out by a team of professionals consisting of four actors and two Heritage guides or interpreters.”


The nighttime activities, which will take place on weekends from July 6 to September 20 of this year, will take place in two sessions, each lasting 1.15 hours, from 8:45 p.m. to 10 p.m. 00 hours and from 10:15 p.m. to 11:30 p.m., with one exception, on August 9 and 10, when there will be no activity because it coincides with the ‘Algarabía’ concert program. Medieval Scenic 2024′.

The maximum capacity per pass is 30 attendees and prior registration on the ‘’ platform is mandatory, while all information regarding this is available on the website ‘ /archaeologicalcomplex…’.

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