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Report: Dissidents kidnapped a young indigenous man in Cauca

The case was reported by the Regional Indigenous Council of Cauca, Cric.

Indigenous communities of the municipality of Toribioin the department of Caucareported the kidnapping of community member Eyber Danilo Poto Pazú, in the midst of an armed raid carried out by dissidents from the ‘Dagoberto Ramos’ front of the FARC.

According to Cauca Regional Indigenous Councilthose responsible for this incident are the alleged commander alias ‘Pájaro’ and alias ‘Avelino Ul’, who detained the young indigenous man to take him to an unknown point in the north of northern Cauca after detaining him when the victim was moving through the El Tierrero sector.

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As a result of these events, as well as the murder of several indigenous and community representatives in recent days, the organization that brings together the ancestral peoples of this area of ​​the country denounces before the national government, national and international human rights organizations that the peoples in Cauca they are in an obvious humanitarian crisis due to the effects generated by the armed conflict.

And although they have always been committed to Peace, making countless calls for dialogue, these have not been heard or attended to, in such a way that So far this year, 2024, there are already 421 indigenous victims of different effects in the context of the conflict. armed, violations that have been denounced in different regional, national and international settings.

In fact, as reported by the community leader and Human Rights Defender, Joe Sauca, it is public knowledge that armed actors outside the law are present in this area of ​​the country, causing damage to indigenous communities.

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“Seven armed structures have a presence in the department, that is public knowledge, but their violent actions against our communities continue, hence the repeated call to the national government and social organizations to stop all these attacks,” Joe added. Sauca.

For this reason, and as one of the many ways to prevent their children and young people from ending up within this illegal armed organization, the authorities of the indigenous communities prepare their children and boys to become aware of the importance of studying and get ahead through legal means and not join organizations that represent the destruction of their lives.

Finally, the humanitarian representative and indigenous leader Joe Sauca made it clear that in order to confront all these attacks and aggressions, they maintain their policy of civil resistance, resorting exclusively to the stick and the word when it comes to protecting themselves from legal or illegal armed actors.

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