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“The Fund is detonated, 56 years is the average retirement age of public employees in Santa Fe”

The Santa Fe government is promoting the review of the retirement system in the province in order to carry out comprehensive modifications. The reason? They assure that it cannot continue operating in the way it has been doing and maintain that if it does not swerve, it is in danger. He spoke about this this Friday in Radiopolis (Radio 2) the Minister of Government of Santa Fe, Fabián Bastia, who assured that The average retirement age of state workers in the province is 56 years.

“Clearly, there is a legal system that is unbalanced, with many inconsistencies and incoherencies that allow this type of anomaly,” he said about the possibility that the system gives to retire before the age of 60. “In this current system it is very possible that a person of 57 years old can retire because he makes compensations of two for onethen retirement, which is a benefit given to old age, appears totally distorted,” he stated and specified that there are “a lot of mismatches, anomalies and loopholes that allow for many totally irregular situationswhich the only thing they cause is harm and increases the cash deficit.”

This is why Bastía insisted that the regulations must be corrected. “We have to go to a sustainable system over time and save the box because it is detonated.”“, graphic.

Where is the biggest problem? Was the journalistic inquiry. “There is not a single issue, from the construction of the fund, compensation for years of service, purchases for years with moratoriums, it is a very large universe. “It is very complex and requires hours for each point to be reformulated,” she diagnosed.

In that sense, he referred to the meeting that the governors of the central region held this Thursday. “The alarming cash situation was evident with our deficit of 172 billion pesos in the first semester. Córdoba, which carried out reforms, presents 67 thousand, at updated values. So, we have to correct and make modifications because generates asymmetry with private workers who pay their contributions and who support this.”

Another point that works against it is the Nation’s debt. “He has owed Santa Fe since 2020. Since then, Ansés has not paid either Santa Fe, Córdoba or Entre Ríos. And this motivated the strong claim. “It is a debt of 700 billion pesos,” he stated. In this regard, he added: “We take charge and look for solutions. The issue was brought to Court by former governor Omar Perotti and we expanded the lawsuit in our management.”

On the other hand, he explained that Decree 280 of the Javier Milei government “cut off transfers.” In this context, Bastia announced: “We are going to initiate another precautionary measure to correct this breach of the law, In the meantime we will continue talking, but in the meantime we will enforce our rights.”

However, he stressed that beyond the debt, we must focus on the “anomalies.” “There is a process in the legislature, a commission that we support and promote with four of our officials. It has to submit a report, we are convinced that a reform must be made that allows the treasury to continue to belong to the province but be sustainable.”

And he stressed that “56 years is the average retirement age of public employees in Santa Fe and includes sectors and subsectors. “There are different situations, but the vast majority do not have a special lower age regime, and it is unfair,” he mentioned to conclude: “In Santa Fe, if you start working at 18, it is likely that you can retire at 55.” .

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